
Old People’s Home For Teenagers: Oct 31

Today is a lip-syncing activity, where participants split into groups to create a video to the song ‘We’re All In This Together’.

This week Old People’s Home For Teenagers is all about Community, with teens and seniors taking part in a range of activities to celebrate the community they’ve created and help those most in need.

The participants are back in the Intergenerational Hub reflecting on their time there. But the program isn’t over just yet. Will has a great community-embracing activity for the group, where the participants will be handing out ice creams to the residents of the retirement village to bring the residents together. Both seniors and teens thrive in this activity, giving and receiving a lot of joy on this social occasion.

Day 2 is about acknowledging how far the group has come both in their personal goals and, how far they have come in forming their own little community. And that’s what today’s activity is about, celebrating the community they’ve created. Today is a lip-syncing activity, where participants split into groups to create a fun video to the song ‘We’re All In This Together’.

On Day 3, the seniors and teens are faced with a task that focuses on giving back to the most vulnerable members of the community. In pairs, the participants take to the streets seeking donations for The Salvation Army. For some, this is an anxiety provoking situation.

Finally the participants head back to the Intergenerational Hub for the last time. The Hub is decorated with the memories of their time spent together. Will asks the seniors and teens to read out what they wrote on their polaroids of hopes and dreams on Day 1 of the program. Did they achieve their dreams?

The group spend their final moments together drinking hot chocolate around a campfire, sharing their final thoughts and feelings.

8:30pm Tuesday on ABC.

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