★★★★★ 0/5
TVT Vault: When current affairs reporting gets brutal
In 2017 reporter Taylor Auerbach was chasing court stories...
- Published by David Knox
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In 2017 when he worked for A Current Affair, reporter Taylor Auerbach was chasing court stories…
Originally published May 31 2017
Court houses are a hotbed of emotional drama. Usually journalists are just observers, but not everyone reacts well. https://t.co/FyaKTvYTxU pic.twitter.com/lUeziKqNQO
— A Current Affair (@ACurrentAffair9) May 30, 2017
A Current Affair reporter Taylor Auerbach copped the full brunt of an angry 74-year-old Christie Kovachevski outside a Wollongong courthouse.
Auerbach kept his cool under trying conditions eventually retreating when Kovachevski turned on the crew.
It isn’t clear if assault charges will be laid.
- Tagged with A Current Affair