
Four Corners: June 3

Reporter Linton Besser profiles Sydney’s Rainbow Lodge – one of the longest continually running halfway houses in the world.

Monday’s Four Corners report ‘Breaking Free’ profiles a three month program at Sydney’s Rainbow Lodge for ex-prisoners in a cycle of reoffending.

Australia has one of the highest reoffending rates in the world.

Every year, 19,000 people leave prison in New South Wales, but less than three per cent of them get a bed in a supported accommodation program.

Reporter Linton Besser meets the lucky few who’ve been given a place at Sydney’s Rainbow Lodge – one of the longest continually running halfway houses in the world.

These men have committed multiple crimes and been in and out of prison for decades. Most have been cast out from their families in the process.

For many, the lodge’s three-month program is their last chance to take responsibility for their actions and prove they’re ready for the outside world – but one slip-up could land them back inside.

Special time 8:45pm Monday 3 June on ABC.

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