
Q+A: May 27

A panel of big thinkers with deep connections weigh in on Australia’s place in a changing global landscape.

Monday’s Q+A is live from Sydney.

The Guardian’s World Affairs Editor, Julian Borger;
Author & Academic Abdulrazak Gurnah;
Soprano, composer & human rights advocate Deborah Cheetham Fraillon
and Features Editor, The Age Maher Mughrabi.

Political uprisings and bloody conflict are reshaping the world and Australia’s place in it. On Q+A, a panel of big thinkers with deep connections to help you make sense of it.

The Middle East and Ukraine are locked in protracted wars. Indigenous New Caledonians are violently protesting France’s imposition of voting reforms. The US is a powder keg in an election year pitting an unpopular president against a populist plagued by legal challengers – and both vowing to crack down on migration. Record numbers of forcibly displaced people – not just from war but by environmental disasters and rapid climate change – have created a global refugee crisis. The wounds of colonialism – the loss of life, culture, history and sovereignty – remain painful for many. The cohesion of communities – in Australia, too – is fraying.

Abdulrazak Gurnah is a Tanzanian-born novelist and academic with a Nobel Prize and a fascinating personal story as a refugee to Britain. Julian Borger is a Washington-based correspondent with experience reporting across the US, Europe and the Middle East. Professor Deborah Cheetham Fraillon is an internationally renowned opera composer and performer with her own story of colonialism and displacement as a member of the Stolen Generation. And Maher Mughrabi is a senior editor of Palestinian heritage who’s written extensively and personally on the Middle East.

Monday, May 27 at 9.35pm on ABC.

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