
Seven appoints new executive producer for 7News Spotlight

Sydney bureau chief for A Current Affair, Gemma Williams, takes on key new role at Seven.

Seven has poached Nine producer Gemma Williams as the new executive producer for 7News Spotlight.

The Daily Telegraph reports has worked at Nine for around eight years, most recently as Sydney bureau chief for A Current Affair.

25 year old Williams is the daughter of former ACA executive producer Grant Williams, who enjoyed over 8 years with the show in battle with Today Tonight.

“News and current affairs is my passion, and I am thrilled to be taking on this leadership role and joining the team at 7NEWS Spotlight, she said.

“It’s a great privilege to join such an experienced team who will continue to bring viewers unmissable major investigations and breaking news events from across Australia and around the globe.”

Succeeding Mark Llewellyn after damaging headlines following a Bruce Lehrmann interview, Williams marks the first key appointment by newly-installed news boss, Anthony De Ceglie.

She began at Nine in 2016, rising to Chief of Staff at ACA within four years and also had a year producing Ben Fordham at 2GB.

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