
“Emotional conclusion”: The Newsreader S3 the end for News at Six team

Upcoming third season is wrapping the story for ABC hit drama.


The upcoming third season of The Newsreader on ABC will be the last for stars Sam Reid & Anna Torv.

An ABC spokesperson told TV Tonight, “Season three will see out the 1980s, providing an emotional conclusion to the saga of Helen, Dale and News At Six.

“The news cycle of course rolls on, and the newsrooms of the 90s were just as dramatic and chaotic… But currently, the ABC are focused on bringing season three of the much-loved series to Australian audiences.”

Chief Content Officer Chris Oliver-Taylor recently said, ABC drama Total Control “has just reached its close after three series, while The Newsreader is to go into its third run and will probably, I imagine, come to an end.”

Writer Michael Lucas said, “For a long time (since season one in fact) we’ve seen this saga as three acts, and the coming series is designed as an emotional and cathartic third act for the whole vivid ensemble. This will be very clear to audiences when they see it.

“Perhaps, down the track if there was an opportunity to do something else news based, or maybe even revisit some of the ensemble— never say never. But this is a complete story, and certainly the writers, Emma, Jo and I have approached it that way. We’re really proud of it and excited for audiences to see it.”

The Newsreader S3 will screen on ABC next year.


6 Responses

  1. I love this show although I have come to believe that for most shows, 3 seasons is the perfect number. True, there are shows like “Spooks” that could have continued longer, especially with the perpetual die-off of the central characters, but that’s an exception. I will follow this show to the end and I especially hope Leigh Sales and Lisa Millar will be back to do their podcast companion series. That was especially entertaining!!

  2. So I am no film creative type but watch loads of dramas and best I can tell, beyond talented people (in front and behind the camera), it’s about plot and characters / character development. The plot is the “excuse” for us to be watching the story and different each episode while the character development is what really keeps us hooked. The plot for further seasons is already there given it follows the news so the question is can they build interesting characters. I loved seasons 1 and 2 and think it’s preferred if the characters change each few years as this reflects the dynamic news environment anyway. Fingers crossed for more season after the 3rd.

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