
What I’ve Been Watching: Catherine Murphy

One half of ABC's Monday's Experts secretly wants to appear on Dancing with the Stars.

Sport journalist Catherine Murphy who presents new ABC show Monday’s Experts with Tony Armstrong, shares her viewing thoughts and habits.

What shows are on your must-see TV list lately?
CM: I am counting down the days until the release of Twelve Final Days – the documentary on Roger Federer’s decision to retire from tennis. I’m happy that we’ll finally get an insight into his decision as when he announced it via social media, it felt like we’d all been dumped by text message! At least Serena Williams did a Vogue spread to announce she was putting the tennis racquet away. We need the details. Can’t wait to watch and there’s a high chance I’ll cry.

Which guilty pleasure show are you reluctant to admit watching?
CM: I love binging Nigella Lawson cooking shows. The Christmas specials are my favourite and I’ll watch them at any time of year, because I love Nigella, and I love Christmas. The reason I feel guilty admitting this is because I rarely actually cook any of the dishes I’ve just watched her prepare. I am deficient in this area, but I like to imagine that one day, I could be a domestic goddess too.

When you settle down for a night on the couch what are your ‘must-haves?’ 
CM: I am addicted to pasta so I like to sit on the couch after a big portion. When in front of the TV, it’s important to have a glass of Pinot Noir and some chocolate within reach. I also love lollies.

What show would you secretly love to appear on?
CM: Dancing with the Stars. My radio colleague Matt Preston (we do a sports show at 11am on Saturday’s on ABC Melbourne – the Cat and Matt show) did it and he loved it. And he got really fit during the process. A show that gets you fit is the dream although I don’t think I’d last long. I’ve only ever did Irish dancing growing up, so my skills are limited outside that genre!

How will Monday’s Experts differ from other sports panel shows and can we expect to see in Episode 1?
CM: We plan to bring the fun to Monday evenings. We’ll bring viewers all the big sport stories of the week, but we’ll do it in a light hearted way. Monday is a challenging day of the week, we hope our show is easy watching, and provides a few laughs.

Monday’s Experts screens 9:30pm Monday on ABC.

2 Responses

  1. Not directly on Catherine, but just on her comment about the 774 radio show, it’s actually really good, definitely worth a listen especially whilst driving along a freeway on a day trip, Matt Preston is a natural and seems to have found his niche, also loves his sports too, including Collingwood in the AFL. Wonder if him and Eddie McGuire have had luncheons together before.

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