
What’s it like filming Have You Been Paying Attention?

"It's a very well-oiled machine. The Working Dog guys keep it pretty tight," Guy Montgomery says of 10 quiz.

Filming of 10 comedy quiz Have You Been Paying Attention? is a very cruisy affair at 10’s Como studio in South Yarra every Sunday night.

“It’s like guess grabbing a coffee before any job. You have to see everyone and it’s very collegial, but it’s a very well-oiled machine. The Working Dog guys keep it pretty tight,” says NZ comedian Guy Montgomery.

“You get to catch up with everyone say ‘Hey, how are you’, get a coffee or club sandwich and then you’re into it not long after that.

“Afterwards, you stick around and have a beer and stuff and that’s probably the more collegial, relaxed part of the catch-up, because everyone’s done the job.

“Everyone’s different before a show. The atmosphere is very positive, but it’s a different form of relaxation after you’ve done it.”

With the likes of Ed Kavalee so rapid-fire with punchlines, are the guests given questions in advance?

“You’ve got to be acquainted with the news. They give you a heads up on that but otherwise you’re in the room,” Montgomery insists.

“The thing with Ed is he seems to be he’s talking the whole time. You know, he just seems to be across it all. It is incredible. The energy that’s coming out of him and the amount of informtation and jokes. He’s a unique case from anyone I’ve met.”

Montgomery also loves the banter between Sam Pang and host Tom Gleisner.

“I was on one last year when Sam kept banging on the property portfolio drum. I don’t even know if Tom has a property portfolio. But it was so funny, trying to get a rise. They’re so familiar with each other, working for so long… you’re talking to people like they’re your friend.”

Montgomery is looking forward to more appearances this year.

“I think I got to do three or four last year, maybe two or three the year before,” he says.

“You hope you can make it because obviously it’s a job everyone wants, for the reason that it’s fun to do. But on top of it, the flow on effect if you’ve got a live act and you want people to come, it’s just such a boon.”

Have You Been Paying Attention? screens 8:40pm Mondays on 10.


8 Responses

  1. I’ve had the pleasure of being in the Working Dog audience and I know what guy means. The audience is welcomed with open arms and made to feel like an important part of the show. But it’s very professional and organised. It’s the stuff that goes on in the breaks that’s the most fun.

    1. Totally agree, HYBPA is the best tv audience experience there is. Wish I could go to all episodes. But there’s such a waiting list I believe, unfortunately. Same with there other shows. One thing I’ll disagree with is Ed isn’t that rapid fire or hilarious these days to me it’s all Sam Pang. But all of them are so great and so great to the audience.

  2. I think it’s easier to get on that show as a contestant than as a studio audience member. Have tried so many times and never heard back! Would be awesome.

    1. It’s a very small audience. Only about 20 people I think. I managed an audience visit once when I was visiting Melbourne. Keep trying. It’s worth the effort.

    2. Reminds me of all those years ago trying to get audience tix for The Late Show. Their phone line for tickets (524 4444, I still remember it!!) opened at 10am on Mondays and it was impossible to get through. I tried every week but was never successful in getting a ticket unfortunately.

  3. ***Spoiler Alert***

    “Montgomery is yet to make his 2024 debut on the 10 quiz.” Interview must be from a few weeks back as Guy won this week’s episode!

  4. Working Dog is a quality production team, you can’t deny that. Very entertaining. I think it’s great that they are still around after many years.

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