
TV Lounge

Now due to popular demand I am adding a TV Lounge section to my blog.

This is basically an open forum for you to add comments or ask questions on topics that you can’t see anywhere else on the site.

So if there’s something you’ve been meaning to get off your chest, or there’s a question that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else, or comments on the site…. here is where it goes!

Comments policy: Keep it nice people. There’s nothing worse than a site where people anonymously sledge off others. I’m moderating the site still so comments may not appear immediately. If you cross a line that is defamatory I may opt not to approve it. Know that I can only approve or reject comments, I can’t edit. Please also refrain from promoting websites that aren’t TV related and contain spoilers.

Other than that, pull up a beanbag, lay back and fire away!

This section will deleate earlier comments as a way of housekeeping.

85 Responses

  1. hey david how is Edinburgh? How about a ‘postcard from Edinburgh’ as the next post on TVtonight.com 🙂 Also, please don’t give up your radio spot when you get back to Aus.. i’m finding there is nobody to listen to at 5.45 and i miss hearing the TV goss!! 🙂

  2. Yes, been on their case about it, but still no word. I suspect issues with Tuesday programming due to The Nation changed their plans.

    There is a VERY slim possibility it may land in a TBA slot 9.30 Tue Aug 14 which is the same night it previously screened but I wouldn’t hold your breath.

  3. At the end of last month channel nine said they would begin to air the new season of Weeds sometime in July. It’s now the second last day of July and still no sign of it?

    Any idea what’s going on?


  4. Thanks David Knox for telling me most of the air-dates for the new Simpsons episodes for this year. I really appreciate it! 🙂

    See you next year! 😉

  5. So does any1 know what’s happening with My Name Is Earl??? i dont get why they dont just bring it back ASAP….that 70’s show is a shummer filler

    30 Rock should screen at 7.30, followed by Earl…once thats finished, how about moving Scrubs to replace Earl??sounds much better to me….

  6. Those 2 guys have been on Foxtel for years. Designer Guys was thier 1st show and this is thier newer one. Nothing like QEFTSG at all. Its just a Home Makeover show.

  7. “”Okay, why don’t we let every mentally ill person off their meds and see how that plays out.”

    Yes they will probably get better.”

    Okay, then they can all stay at your house, especially the “former” paranoid schizophrenics….the ones prone to violence. See how well they do off their meds.

  8. People who believe in Global Warming are not a cult. It’s quite simple, we can continue to pollute the Earth and let other generations suffer. How arrogant to care solely about yourself and ignore any consequences.

    Had you any common sense you’d see that MANY scientists quoted in the film have come out to say they were misrepresented in the documentary – which aired on Lateline on Thursday night. The movie was blatant propaganda – an admission by the scientists used in the film and you FELL FOR IT.

    Seem like you’re the cult.

    Any coincidence that those who deny Global warming are typically right-wing neo-conservatives and religious types?

    The deniers to global warming sound like Scientologists warning people about psychiatric drugs.

    Okay, why don’t we let every mentally ill person off their meds and see how that plays out.

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