
Big Brother cast reunites

"20 years later it was the most fun and most successful Big Brother for me," says Mike Goldman at cast reunion.

Former cast members of Big Brother 2004 reunited on the weekend for a 20th anniversary celebration.

In attendance were Ryan Fitzgerald, Bree Amer (who organised the gathering), Trevor Butler, Wes Denning, Merlin Luck and favourite voice-man Mike Goldman.

Goldman told TV Tonight Season 4 was “… by far the greatest Big Brother year for me, with the huge controversy, the biggest prize money ever and most successful Housemates. 20 years later it was the most fun and most successful Big Brother for me.”

Iconic host Gretel Killeen was not in attendance.

According to news.com.au. Fitzy, now 47, said the entire cast congratulated Merlin Luck for his headline-grabbing “Free th Refugees” Live TV protest.

“Merlin was there on Saturday night and there was a moment where we all just raised our glasses,” Fitzy said.

“I said, ‘Mate, what I don’t think I understood at the time [was] how big that was.’

“But 20 years later, as my views mature, and my political views sort of change, I said, ‘Mate, that was an unbelievable effort.’”

Photos: Twitter

5 Responses

  1. I remember watching Merlin’s eviction like it was yesterday. An unforgettable night of telly. Gretel was also such a champion throughout her years on Big Brother given how chaotic and unpredictable it all was. Yes, she played favourites, yes, she was something of a “mama bear” to the housemates, but I couldn’t imagine the stress and pressure she was under, and she always made it look so effortless. There was nothing quite like it before or since.

    1. I know Gretel is probably selective about what other projects she wants to align with, but I wish networks would recognise there is a generation of viewers that love Gretel and want her back on air.

    2. I suspect production were flapping around in a panic but having rewatched it recently think Gretel knew it was both an important message and great TV. She very much stood up for Merlin in that moment.

      1. Actually Brekkie, let me correct you there. Gretel Killeen was an extremely capable, articulate and well-read host. Her experience in live stage performance ensured she could handle any scenario that was thrown at her. That’s what made her, and the show, a success. In live TV there are times when the hosts are following the lead of the production team, and times when they are thrown into the unknown, and those of us in the truck knew she could handle anything. There was no panic amongst the professional team behind the scenes and it that is why it is such good television.

  2. Thanks for sharing David. I absolutely loved this season of BB. My other favourite season was with Reggie, Chrissie and farmer David. Probably stop watching post these two seasons actually!

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