
So you think you can copy?

Here’s the promo you’ve probably caught for TEN’s upcoming So You Think You Can Dance Australia. Looks like it might be fun.

But was it so much fun that Nine needed to use similar ideas for its own Monster House? Feast you eyes upon this and tell me it isn’t way too similar.

For the record, TEN’s promo was first.

And what on earth is that Nine voice over guy saying at the end? “Febwuawy?”

19 Responses

  1. Just saw the extended version on Ch 9. It’s a parody of some sorts. It’s just too blatant. This version even has the multiple circles with dancers, like at 0:02 of Ten’s on (in the YT video).

    Question is why the parody? What the hell’s the relation between a slapstick comedy and a dance show?

  2. To the person who can’t see the similarities – they are quite obvious to anyone who’s done any graphical design work.

    The most obvious one is the circle and the dancing within it – but you could almost be forgiven for it being a coincidence.

    If you look at the titles, they are positioned and aligned similarly, including the choice of white and yellow text.

    I think the most suspicious is the use of the pixelated “concert display” graphics which make up the wording/Australia in the Ten ad, and is used for the ‘Monster House’ logo in the Nine ad. They even copy the vertical refresh!

    If I had produced the Ten ad, I’d be *very* annoyed with Nine.

    Good graphical design communicates a message/theme and is not just there because “it looks good”. The Ten ad seems to do this well, but the Nine ad in copying those elements create a confusing and forgettable ad.

  3. Yes they do seem very similarly themed, i didnyt pay much attention to the Monsert House ads cause the whole premise of the show is dumb.

    As for February, it sounds more like a bad pun, with it being the Webb family and all, he is saying FWebbuary.

  4. I have to ask why do both the male and female voice over people on Nine (or WIN) have to talk so stupid full stop. They sound ridiculous thet way they emphasise a lot of words, especially here in Tassie, being WIN. “on WINNNNNNNNN”.

  5. I think alot of you are missing the point of this. Nine copied the promo on purpose and counted on us noticing it. Think about it we all know now that the show starts in February and its sort of free publicity (us talking).

  6. So if you have a circle in the middle of the screen with people dancing in it its stealing??
    Thats the only similarity I saw between the two adds. Other than that, different music, differnt people, different themes, one add had things the other add didnt and vice versa. The only similarity was a bleeming circle!
    Hope nothings posted about how James Bond ripped of an Aussie network next!!

  7. If they’re trying to parody the SYTYCD promo, they’ve done a very poor job as the average person wouldn’t pick up on that message.

    It’s just lazy, down to the text titles!

    I hope it’s not an indication of the show as I don’t wish ill on it before it commences!

  8. Although it is a bad bad bad promo from Nine, my impression was that they were taking the ‘piss’ out of the dance promo as the Webb family is also dancing. Although it could be a simple case of Nine copying it…

  9. similar i wouldnt go as far as saying its a copy tho.

    Only real similar part about it is the ligth effect that is used at the end for the logo (and Map of australia from SYTYCD)

    as for the february……i think u will find that its to do with the video on youtube……. cause it sounds fine on the other monster house promos on youtube……

  10. That was a tad blatant! The Febweway part made me gasp too, I think I’m still getting over the fact Nine are attempting comedy again (you’d think they’d learn after Flat Chat).

  11. Oddly enough I noticed this too, I’d call it a direct rip-off by Nine.

    I was part of a TV panel survey testing our responses to upcoming shows based on ads, and of course the well done Dance ads tested very highly on the positive, will watch this scale. From what I understand the earlier version of the Monster House ad (which had more of the family and less Bernard Curry) tested very poorly. One of the of worst tested previews of the season. Nine smelling blood in the water, obviously are changing direction – my thoughts, a little too late.

  12. The first time I saw the Nine promo, I thought that it was making fun of the Ch 10 campaign. But then I couldn’t understand why they were using it for a show like Monster House.

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