
Wayne Carey arrested

Former AFL footballer Wayne Carey was handcuffed and arrested last night after allegedly assaulting police at his Melbourne home.

Carey, a football commentator on Nine’s AFL Footy Show and Footy Classified and 3AW was subdued with capsicum spray at his Port Melbourne home.

Police are said to be considering charges.

Police sources said Carey called police to the apartment he shares with his girlfriend allegedly wanting her to be removed, but when five police cars arrived he refused to let any officers inside.

Carey then allegedly assaulted police when they tried to enter the apartment, and resisted arrest.

Paramedics were called after the use of capsicum spray.

Carey was released by police before 10.30 last night, and went home.

UPDATE: Today a Channel Nine spokeswoman said the network did not wish to pre-empt the outcome of the police investigation into last night’s incident by commenting on whether Carey’s role at Nine would continue. “The matter is being investigated by police and we wouldn’t want to say anything to preempt the outcome of those inquiries,” the spokeswoman said.

Source: Herald Sun

2 Responses

  1. I am a fanatical Kangaroo supporter who lost respect for this idiot along time ago. One would think Carey’s attitude would have changed when he lost his wife and mates at Arden St or at least as he as aged! His disregard for woman and authority can’t be overlooked anymore, black ban this fool from the media indefinately.

  2. Australia may or may not already realize but this guy is a complete idiot. And going by Australias standards and the people we award, he will probably get inducted into the Hall Of Fame or win some major lifetime awards in the comming years.
    Why do we keep awarding these people who may be good at playing a ball game, but are complete a-holes every other time.
    You get an award not for how many times you kicked a ball or how many times it hit three bits of wood but for the over all person you are. Even talking about knighting our sports stars and others is a slap in the face for a progressive nation and if anything just encourages the sad off field behaviour. What example are they setting for the kids who watch the news as well as there favorite sports team? If you kick or toss a ball really well, you can do whatever you like and treat women however you like.

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