
Rove special struggles in the US

Rove's special for the US ABC Network, The List, landed last in its timeslot with just 2.9m viewers.

Rove’s special for the US ABC Network, The List, landed last in its timeslot. At 2.9m viewers, it was a long way behind The Mentalist on 10.8m viewers.

The special, looking back on 2008 newsmakers, was preceded by a Donnie and Marie Osmond-hosted reality special. It managed 4.6m viewers.

In the lead up to the special, Rove also appeared on Good Morning America, plugging the show.

You can see a clip here

Source: The Age.

35 Responses

  1. I agree with knoxoverstreet Leno is lame happy his leaving soon…
    For me it’s jon stewart & stephen colbert then Letterman > Conan & Leno last..
    & Rove even after Leno can’t stand the way Rove does interviews…

  2. I just love how irrational humans are and immediately pressume this was the end of his chances in the US, it was on 2 days before christmas and at 10pm, with someone they don’t know properly, if at all yet telling them thigns they already know about the past year, of course noone watched.

  3. Wasn’t that a rerun of The Mentalist?

    I like Letterman, and while I won’t try to convert those of you who aren’t fans, remember that he does five shows a week, for basically the whole year. Rove struggles to do one show a week.

    I’d say this was just ABC trying to recreate the magic CBS had with the hiring of Craig Ferguson. But as Rove has painfully learnt, being foreign is not enough. It’s being talented that is key.

  4. Shane, learn to read before posting.
    I did not say ‘I like Leno’
    I do not like any of them, they are all boring and very unfunny, what I said was that I think that Leno was better.

  5. Letterman better than Leno but it doesn’t help that Leno is not on FTA, over on The Comedy Channel I forget to watch unless there is a celebrity I want to see. But there is always YT.

    IT Conan is better than Leno!

  6. Letterman may be the best, but the best at what?
    Boring, unfunny, grating voice.
    The only reason you laugh at him is because the audience laughs, the only reason the audience laughs is because they have people standing there with signs telling them to laugh.
    His Top 10 is quite pathetic, needs creative funny writers.

    Jay Leno is a lot better. (Although I hardly watch him)

    Rove? Never had much time for him as he seems to copy everyone instead of being original.

  7. Letterman is the best in the business.

    I concur with the “ouch” though ,hopefully this will show Rove and ABC that he has no place on US television.

  8. Not surprising, he is quite boring and a copy of those US boring people such as that abosolute useless Letterman.
    Stick with that useless CH10 and those youngsters without brains who seem to watch it.

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