
TEN movies: About a joke

How many times MUST we put up with About a Boy, please Channel TEN?


How many times MUST we put up with About a Boy, please Channel TEN?

It’s been scheduled AGAIN for 8:30pm Sunday January 18!

Could somebody from TEN Programming go down to the local video shop and move on to the letter “B” in the catalogue please?

Summer or no summer, Nicholas Hoult (Skins) or no Nicholas Hoult, this is banal. We’re really starting the year off well at some networks.

61 Responses

  1. David, this really does warrant a new section on the website- repeat movie screening. That way the networks can be named and shamed for repeating a movie in the space of a few months. Just list movies, when they were played and then keep adding to it everytime they repeat the movie. At the end of the year you can award the network with the most repeats! And of course, a special award for the movie that was repeated the most….

    I noticed Channel 9 played Practical Magic last week, which they played three months earlier. With such an onslaught of repeat movies you have to wonder if they get a new programmer in every other week!

  2. i think some of the worst are charlies angels, love actually, briget jones, miss congeneality, national lampoons and the harry potter marathons, but the absolute worst this year was practical magic: played last summer, cup weekend and last week.

  3. Of all the shows and films there are. Why not some classic reruns of 80s and 90s sitcoms or tv shows?? Make sunday night (Non ratings) a 111 hits night for free to air. That movie is depressing and more so since its been on like 5 times in 3 years

  4. All these repeatative movies shown on Ten are just one thing that I can’t stand and bare to watch.. Seriously please stop showing them, we are so desperate to watch something new and exciting instead of Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, About A Boy, Love Actually, Mean Girls etc etc..

    I have lost faith in 10 once they repeat all these movies twice or thrice in one year… It’s not only killing me softly but rather killing a slow and horrible state of boredom.. I can formally instead of Single Parents Alone Together (from the movie) we could form a group and have the chant “Stupid People At Ten”

  5. “or that Steve Martin movie where he has the big nose…”

    Whoa Roxanne is a classic and rarely aired these days. But gotta agree with About A Boy ugh! The ending of that movie is nauseating.

  6. “What? No Happy Gilmore / Billy Madison double?”
    This cracked me up. I forgot about the HG/BM double they have every few months. Like The Back To the Furture trilogy every summer, and Terminator 1 & 2. I think they lost the rights to one of the Terminators to Seven.

    Why dont they show a best of Rove, or something, to help bring in the new season. They have years of Channel Ten footage of this show since 2000 when it moved networks. Maybe a Neighbours tribute could work like they do in the UK with Neighbours Revisited and one off specials.

  7. Oh lordy lordy lordy…

    Ten have the rights to some pretty good movies, including The Godfather trilogy, Shaun of the Dead, Lost in Translation, Apocalypse Now Redux, Run Lola Run among others that I can’t quite remember because they’ve only ever played them once (and/or in the ungodliest of timeslots).

    Another movie which Ten seems to repeat a lot is Rat Race on Ten HD. They’ve played it at least 3-4 times in the last year alone. I’ve watched it once, and it was mildly amusing, but the constant repeat airings have put me off watching it a second time.

    Oh, and let’s not forget The 40 Year Old Virgin, which Ten has added to their (tiny) movie rotation pool.

  8. SOunds like Channel 10 is trialling their version of Showtime – repeating the movies all the time. The only thing is that Showtime actually has a variety of movies and they show them in other slots other than 8.30 Friday

    At least we havent seen City Slickers, Cliffhanger or Housesitter for a while – or that Steve Martin movie where he has the big nose…

  9. As much as i would like TEN to put new and different movies on… i really really enjoy the ones they play 20 times a year. I watch them every time they’re on – Clueless, Mean Girls, About a boy, liar liar… etc. Cool movies… seriously 😉

  10. I for one cannot wait for this (and other movies Ten got through universal) to lapse and perhaps Ten will be forced to find something else to show. Surely Seven now has first refusal on all Universal Movies

    I don’t mind old movies but I wish they would show some imagination when choosing what to showcase, remember back in the 90’s when movies were on in Prime Time 5 nights a week and yet they were only ever screened once a year! There’s like a tonne more movies nowadays and less slots to show em in yet they get repeated ad nauseum.

  11. What do you expect, Monkeys run the Programming down at Channel 10!

    Bring on the trainwreck Free2Air version of FreeView! there will no point of a Guide on it if the F2A continue chop & changing no one will know what the hell is gonna be on!

  12. Oh Great!! Does that mean Love Actually and School of Rock will be on in the next few weeks? There must be one person who hasn’t seen them the previous four billion times they were on last year.

  13. Sorry David, I was trying to think of clever reply but kept laughing as I guess someone high up in Ten has fixation on this film.
    just like Miss Congeniality on another network.
    Would have Sunday noght good chance to trial something new or double up on unaired eps of 08 stock

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