
Nine adds more sex to the Jungle

Updated: Music Jungle Late Shift is dropped for Mad TV.

llovetteUPDATED: Nine has now dropped these for MAD TV beginning Thu 26th.

The tacky titles just keep on coming from Nine.

It’s just announced a late filler for tonight, The Music Jungle Late Shift- The Sexiest Videos You Wanted! (complete with the exclamation mark).

Rated M for “Some Coarse Language, Sexual References” it will screen at 12:30am tomorrow morning.

The blurb for the show is ‘Join host Lizzy Lovette as she presents some of the sexiest video clips ever made.’

They will continue across the following Wednesday nights.

Tomorrow night Nine has Adults Only 20 to 1 with Bert Newton. And let’s not even get started with the other ‘tits n bums’ claims on its other nights.

While being prudish is one thing, being unimaginitive with programming is another altogether…

28 Responses

  1. We’ll it’s on at 12:30am so I’m not expecting quality viewing from Nine in any case. I’d rather have this than a show trying to sell me an exercise machine, makeup or anti-acne lotion. Then again there are plenty of things I’d rather be doing. Maybe they could show some shows from their archives instead if they have run out of content.

  2. Flicked past this show last night. It looks like something you’d see on ch 31 community TV. Two women talking for 5 minutes before showing a music video. I’ve got to ask – are 9 actually purposely making this show, and, who do they think is actually going to watch it?

    Its best suited to Friday or Saturday very late night where at least you may have people leave it on in the background during a party or something.

    Come on 9, you own the rights to ER – which stopped abruptly at S14 Ep1. Put it on TV, please. It will do better than most of the shows on now. Even late night. Anywhere. The fan base for ER is huge – and its different to all the crime shows.

  3. Ah, Jerome, you’re being too consecutive. Nein’s got concurrency going for it!
    2007 was no shows worth watching.
    2008 was no shows worth watching and no variety.
    and it looks like
    2009 will be trashy, with no shows worth watching and no variety.

  4. well people come up with a different core complaint for 9 every year.
    2007 was that they had no shows that people watched and very bad programing.
    2008 was that there was too much 2.5 men and no variety.
    and it looks like 2009 will be that 9 is the bogan, trash, tacky, cheap porn channel.

  5. this new trashy, bogan image that 9 are going for in 2009 really makes me look at shows that do have substance like 60 minutes in a different light.

    i mean if a “fine current affairs” show was on MTV, the CW or the playboy channel would anyone take it seriously. what makes 9 so different. there’s only so far that “30 years experience” can take you especially if 28 of those years were spent on the polished network which has fallen apart.

  6. Brisvegas – not only did we see her boobs for much of the episode, they had to zoom in and show Close ups of her boobs too! As if we didn’t know what they looked like the first 4 times. I understand these people had sex, but we don’t need instructional videos at 8:30pm.

  7. well so much has changed to our networs in the past few years. a few years back it was.
    7: 2nd rate entertainment
    9: best quality shows of the 3, polished, respectable, classy network.
    10: something to make the teens happy

    7: shows with substance and variety
    9: trash, tacky, no-purpose, “anything to get a boob out”, “find a way to make it about sex”, undersatisfying TV
    10: higher quality entertainment for the younger people.

  8. sorry to distract – but all this talk of booby and whatnot did anyone see on mondays underbelly – apparently there was a story between all the boobs. That kiwi character must have had them out 5-6 times in the show. then there were other misc people ‘getting them out’ too. I lost interest in the show after 40 mins.

  9. I agree with David, this is a very unimaginative programming decision. What next? Adults Only Today Show? Adults Only Kerri-Anne? Adults Only Humphrey Bear? LOL

  10. Lol, you claim this has nothing to do with being prudish, but rather lazy and uninventive programming, but if this was the case why didn’t anyone make a fuss last week?

    The only problem I have with this sort of programming coming from Nine is that most of the time it’s not explicit at all. Take AO 20 to 1 for example – they advertise is as “so rude you wouldn’t believe” and then beep out all the swearing which they did not need to do.

  11. “The Music Jungle: Late Shift” debuted last week in pretty much the same timeslot, though it wasn’t featuring ‘the sexiest videos you wanted!’ Lizzy said it’s an after-dark version of the usual Saturday morning show, which’ll be returning there later in the year. I don’t recall anything particularly racy, but then I only had it on in the background… if these shows wanted to be really provocative, I would’ve heard a few “c**t”s!

    By the way, you do realise The Music Jungle’s just one huge ad for Sony BMG Music Entertainment Australia, don’t you? It features SBME’s artists, it advertises SBME’s Bandit.fm music download service, and is produced by SBME’s TV/content division, Headlock Media.

  12. I agree with the the all the comments – this show is going to be something to avoid.

    “newtaste46” it’s good to see you’re looking out for the grammatical errors, but you’ve missed one.

    Your sentence should read “The show will … not (be) much different to” when it’s grammatically correct to say “different from”.

    Meanwhile people have said ‘different to’ rather than ‘different from’ so often now it’s become acceptable to use the incorrect grammar.

  13. Ah Wayne, if only they listened to. us. Whilst we are made to put up with crap like L2L, 2.5 Men, 20 to 1, Wipeout etc. etc. etc., Survivor Gabon justs sits in the storeroom collecting dust (well that’s an image in my head anyway). And of course there’s Survivor Tocantins which has just started in the US.

  14. “It’s just announced a late filler for tonight, The Music Jungle Late Shift- The Sexiest Videos You Wanted! (complete with the apostrophe).”

    I think you mean – (complete with the exclamation mark).

    Apostrophe – ‘
    Exclamation mark – !

    The show will undoubtedly be garbage and not much different to the phone sex ads that will air between the clips.

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