
5 months on…life is AOK

With 5 months space in between 'that' incident, Andrew O'Keefe now sounds a lot happier.

aok21“Fairly or unfairly, if you are in the public eye you are held to a higher standard,” Andrew O’Keefe has told the Herald Sun.

His comments come some five months after his intoxication scandal when footage of him laying outside a Melbourne nightclub made their way to the media.

O’Keefe says he learned a lot from the experience.

“In the eye of the initial maelstrom, I felt pretty disoriented. It felt to me like a fabricated moral hysteria,” he said.

“The support I received from my colleagues and bosses reaffirmed my faith in the common sense of the average person.

“I felt I knew what the man in the street would think. Let’s face it, I was the man in the street, or on the street.”

O’Keefe received a huge surge of support from those who viewed the media articles with cynicism. Deal or No Deal continues to perform for Seven, with O’Keefe still pulling in audiences on Weekend Sunrise.

Source: Herald Sun

10 Responses

  1. “If you are in the public eye you are held to a higher standard.”

    Uh, no you’re not. Decency is what people ask of people in the spotlight, no different to anyone else. Rolling around drunkenly on Chapel Street isn’t decent. But at least he showed some tact in the handling of the situation.

  2. Unfortunately, the incident has affected DoNd’s ratings, in Brisbane, where people are turning away from AOK, towards a family person in which they saw in Heather Foord.

    If this “cold” got to 7’s news… Kay or Rod (or even both) would surely get the boot.

  3. Dammit!

    I thought, reading the post title, that “Life” the drama series had been saved. And all I got was this lousy grinning local.


  4. Its pathetic that rag the herald sun dredge this old chestnut up again
    we’re really over it. It happened he got over it he wasn’t driving he didn’t kill or caused any acts of terrorisim. I think it did more harm to the paper and their style of so called reporting . Although it was amazing timing that the battle for 5:30 was just announced when it happened. I wonder if we’ll have another report in another month to celebrate the 6 months after the event and then in 12 months and so on and so on (if i had the sign for infinitum would have used it) at least he’s honest about the fact he likes to have a drink unlike other so called celebs who get blind drunk behind closed doors and ultise anyone around to stand guard…..real classy. Like or loathe AOK you’ve got to give him respect for the way he handled this and just got over it and got on with it. To the herald sun time to build a bridge and (you know the rest). just out curiosity hows the young ch nine celeb getting on now it must be almost 5 months since his incident….hmmmmm.

  5. I noticed a week or two ago on Hotseat, a guy had to answer a question: which day of the week Earth hour was held on. The guy said he’d been out on the town partying that night and in the course of their discussions, Eddie likened him to Andrew O’Keefe out on the town. I almost fell off my chair. Cheap shot???

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