
7PM Project: the verdict?

So did you catch TEN's new 7pm Project, and if so what did we think?

7pmIf you watched tonight’s premiere of TEN’s new 7PM Project and care to share your thoughts, here is the place to do so.

Did we like: Yes? No? Maybe?

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256 Responses

  1. I think the main problem was Charlie Pickering – he needs to develop more warmth and chemistry with his three co-hosts (who I’m sure will all do better as first-night/first-week nerves lift). Charlie looked bored and unsmiling by the end of the show – not a good look at all. I don’t think Carrie, Dave and James were as bad as many people think – there just needs to be more of a linchpin to hold it all together, and I think Charlie failed in this role on the first night.

  2. I give it 2.5 out of 5.

    The set is an absolute shocker – waaaaay to bright and busy. All their graphics were terrible, camera work on Ruby’s interview was a joke (not to mention Ruby herself). Please stop telling us that you are gay for crying out loud!!!

    The only people who really did anything for me were Charlie and Hughesy.

    Also what was with Matheson whingeing about having to watch 60 minutes – haven’t you heard of a VCR / DVR / Tivo / Foxtel !!

  3. Sigh! is this what Australian TV has come too?

    What the heck was with the Ruby interview, was the cameraman on a ship in rough seas?

    The show wasn’t funny, informative or entertaining….I’m sure given half the chance 90% of the people who commented on here could come up with a better concept for a show….

    I guess I will just have to go back to reading books if this is what rubbish is going to grace our screens in the future!

  4. It starts with Bickmore reading news about the Indonesian bombing and I feel like I’m supposed to laugh. Awkward! There was the odd chuckle here and there, but mostly it was lazy television.

  5. Why is there an insistence on Australian TV to stick everyone behind a desk. The desk has been abandoned even by some serious news programs in the UK and Europe, yet here, when there is a sniff of a news format, everyone has to be put behind a desk. (This Afernoon, 7PM project, Sunrise and Today). Lighter news formats such as these would be so much better with the presenters sat on a couch. Bring back the couch is what I say.

  6. I rate it a 3 out of 5 at the most.
    Carrie was OK,
    Pickering needs to be more likeable..more charismatic..there are no smiles on his face.
    Hughes is over used and is now seems greedy being on TV 6 nights a week working for Rove.
    Matheson looked like a dear in headlights..absolutely awful.
    They need a great comic who can empathise with what the public is thinking and have the ability to say that, like an Andrew Denton type..
    Ruby Rose..very average camera work

  7. Unfortunately it looks like a tired attempt to recreate The Panel. I would’ve hoped that some new talent could’ve been used. Dave Hughes is a comedian who tells stories and doesn’t fit well with a news-type format. If I was Carrie Bickmore I wouldn’t have accepted the role and stayed with Rove on Sunday night – at least you know that will be in the schedule next year. The 7PM Project certainly will not be.

  8. I thought if James Matheson was to leave a gig like Australian Idol he would have chosen something that was more suited to him. He tried way too hard yesterday. I think that the panel should have a rotation. No more than three at the desk. This means if they have a guest they are not too crowded. The View Panel do it well and I imagine it takes quite a bit of getting used to. The nerves were obvious but it is too early to call

    Ruby is a sweetheart get off her back. She isn’t a seasoned performer as yet. A proper judgement needs to be made when everyone has settled in. Hopefully 10 gives them a chance to do so

  9. There is potential. Besides the obvious first night nerves which are to be expected, I thought the interviews were too short and not very substantial. Also, as Carrie read the news I kept waiting for a punchline – I think it will take time to take her as a serious news reader and not the same as she is on Rove.

  10. i was actually expecting more in-depth discussion rather than wity one liners, also ruby’s interview was barely an interview, it was so short, a yes we now your gay ruby. although it hard to judge on just one ep, hopfully these problems will be sorted out in the next few eps.

  11. The guy from Australian Idol is annoying. He tries too hard to be the main host of the show. I don’t think they need him there. They already have Hughsey (for your pure comedy), the elegant and yet funny newsreader chick and the sarcastic main host. Too much talking over each other which causes awkardness…The chemistry isn’t there yet – they need to reduce the amount of people in the desk table just put the girl and the main host. Let Hughsey have his own thing and make the Aust Idol guy do on field reporting.

  12. Wow, so many haters! Didn’t they say this was a 52-week commitment? It’ll take a while before it settles into its groove – let’s give it a chance. Judging a long-term nightly show on its first outing is like deciding you hate a movie five minutes in. Did we learn nothing from Master Chef? People are looking for positivity – so terribly clever sniping hate comments from you geniuses are, like, so last year!!

  13. It’s interesting to take a moment and look back at some of the comments made about Masterchef when it first aired three months ago.

    Same old glass half empty commenters… same old negative comments… until of course it became a ratings hit and they then all claimed to be experts on why it was such a huge success.

    The 7PM Project has been on air for only half an hour and sure, it had it’s problems but doesn’t it deserve a chance to find it’s feet and grow?

  14. 1) The animated graphic behind Charlie’s head needs to stop. Too distracting.
    2) Guests should be seated in the middle – not the end (you do it on Before the Game – this is basically the same thing without the testosterone).
    3) Don’t launch into gimmicks on the second night (sending Julie and BugEye off to someone’s house). Doesn’t shout confidence in your format (even if Masterchef is super popular).
    4) New writers might help – no one who has ever worked for Roving Enterprises might be the place to start.

    … in short, it’s terrible. It’ll probably be a hit.

  15. It wasn’t exactly riveting or hilariously funny. James Matheson wasn’t needed at all and just looked like a turkey. Hughsey wasn’t very funny. Carrie Bickmore reading ‘straight’ news now seems like she’s reading it as a joke because of her slot on Rove – so you can’t take the serious bits seriously. Ruby Rose – well it’s a case of ‘too famous, too early’ I reckon, se has no real skills in television yet. I do like Charlie as he seems informed and witty at times – but don’t know whether I’ll tune in just for him.

  16. Not so entertaining and definitely requires tweaking if to last out the week.

    From the babble that was Ruby Rose all I understood from her interview was that she was a lesbian, great skill that!!!

    Obviously a late night for David Hughes, nothing much to add and just too predictable (morning show rehash) . ..replace him with Kate , she always adds something spicy and new .

  17. TEN clearly wants another cross-generational hit (MyGen & MasChef) but they have over-egged the mix here. And some of the eggs are off!
    Hughes is clearly aimed at the ‘flamin’ mongrel’ demographic, Rubyrose at the lesbians & 12yo boys. Matheson is leftover ‘talent’ TEN doesn’t know what to do with while Bickmore is supposed to appeal to… um?
    Host Pickering has matured from a toiletmouth JJJ shockjock to a surprisingly witty & informed personality good on MyGen but completely wasted here.

    This pointless show is doomed by mismatched ingredients, lack of talent and odd production values – in short, the whole thing just stinks of Rove! And the undemanding folk who watch Rove are off watching Home & Away at 7pm.
    (And aren’t we sick of ‘interviews’ that are just ads – in this case for a movie?)
    All very sad.

  18. its Rove lite – There was a couple of times where it just stopped and no-one had anything to say or knew where to go. The transition into the introduction packages where really harsh.

    I did like that Charlie almost gave the tripleM website details and not the shows website.

    The interview that Ruby Rose did with the GI Joe girls was a joke. Three questions but more innuendo about Ruby’s sexuality than story.

  19. Only caught the second half, and not really loving it. Give them some time and the hosts may end up knowing what they’re doing (which camera to look at, what the hell is going on etc), but just seems like it’s trying to do too much. Shaky cam on the whole interview just drove me mad. Maybe could’ve done well with having some ‘unknowns’ on the panel instead of ones we feel like we’ve watched enough already!

  20. i think TEN may be looking for a little more than an hour a week of “celeb masterchef” after this little debut 😉

    it must feel like summer back at the bay again!

  21. Holy Crap – 4 people talking over each other and then laughing at each other’s jokes – it’s everything I expected…it’s just terrible. The weakest link – well where do you start??? – the busy and distracting backdrop, the updated boring news updates (it’s whatever you saw at 6pm repeated at 7pm) – the dreadful um arh… jokes, if that’s what you call them and the guy on the end from Idol trying to be funny and loud. He is neither funny nor necessary.

    For half an hour you need one very funny host and maybe some special guests who pop in and give their slant on the day’s events – if it was a big michael jakson day get some groovy entertainment commentator in – if it was a big day in politics get someone in to give an amusing take on the day in politics but the current format with these current hosts is going to tire very easily.

    Channel Ten – you may have gone from Quality Street Chocoloates with Masterchef to boiled lollies with this turkey!!!

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