
Hot Seat beats Deal or no Deal

Eddie McGuire has his first national win over Andrew O'Keefe, taking every city except one.

hsmYes it’s true. Eddie McGuire’s Hot Seat had its first national win over Andrew O’Keefe’s Deal or No Deal yesterday, winning with 779,000 over 707,000.

Hot Seat won in every city except Perth.

While the show has won other nights in certain cities, it’s the first time it’s happened nationally. But as this site noted recently, Nine has been narrowing the gap on Seven in the 5:30pm race.

Of course, that said it was still TEN’s News at Five that beat them both, with 868,000. But it will be a big boost to Nine’s morale and shows rewards for sticking with a show.

Meanwhile it was Packed to the Rafters that topped the night again, at 1.89m, while Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation won its hour on 1.5m.

So let’s hear some theories. What are you watching at 5:30pm and why? And have you made a switch from Deal to Hot Seat?

Seven won the evening, while Nine had already flagged it would return movies to Tuesdays next week.

Week 34.

58 Responses

  1. Australia is finally starting to tire of watching people open briefcases and saying lame things like “I think I’ll go with number 12 because it’s my Uncles Birthday”.

    The added lead in from Hot Seat is also helping 9’s 6pm news, with the gap closing in all capital cities, even 7 loving Perth.

  2. @Quentin, are you not reading what I am writing?

    I said I would be happy to be proven wrong, and still stand by that and if you read previous posts of mine, if anything I can be accused of being an Eddie fanboy.

    This fanboy stuff is so 2005, move on 🙂

  3. Hot Seat was almost beating Deal before GO! started, so how can you say its had such a massive effect? if anything, Deal has lost out of Go, it used to rate around 900K every night!!

  4. Saying that Bewitched is making up the 80,000 people difference is a little presumptuous. The top rating digital television show is Scrapheap Challenge on ABC2 (correct me if I’m wrong) and that rated 135,000 last night.

    I don’t think that reruns of Bewitched on a brand new station that not everybody knows about, and not everybody even has available to them is going to really make up the difference between the two shows.

  5. If 500,000 people can watch MASH at 5pm, then there should be no problem with a show like Bewitched on GO attracting 100,000 or more viewers even though the digital take up is only something like 40%.

    GO shares are included in channel 9 and have been since its launch. Shows are separated out as of next week, so expect some 9 shows of the past two weeks to return back to normal ratings prior to GO being on air. Unfortunately the result has been misleading channel 9 ratings for these two weeks, and if I was one of their advertisers, would not be happy.

    The effect of GO attracting younger demos is also drawing shares from ch 10.

  6. ok. i’ve done a bit of research, it looks like Bass&J Bar are right and the HS figure is HS+Bewitched.

    sure bewitched isn’t liked by everyone on this site. but either is a show like M*A*S*H* and if it can get 500k what to say that people don’t change the channel after it to Bewitched and it gets 80k and push HS over the line. ..anyway all will be revealed next week.

  7. Oops! You’re right – it’s Bewitched, not I Dream of Jeannie
    Slightly better than Jeannie… but still not sure about it being a contributing factor.

  8. Hmmm all of Nine’s and Seven’s HD ratings have been attributed back to the SD channels for a while now… but GO isn’t HD is it? So I’m not really sure what this means.

    GO! had I Dream of Jeannie… interesting… not sure if Barbara Eden is that much of a drawcard in this day and age? Who knows…

  9. Has anyone watch GO! program yet?
    Bewitched is crap so unlikely to have contributed to Hot Seat’s ratings yesterday…
    We’ll find out next week when the first GO! ratings come in, right Media Week???

  10. I used to watch Deal when I was watching anything, but when Hot Seat started I switched to that. Watching Deal is OK, but you can’t interact. The contestant has complete control over the suitcase they pick and whether they deal or not. At least with Hot Seat you can sit at home and answer the questions and see if you were right or wrong.

  11. Melbourne is the strongest market for Hot Seat since it first started, but all markets were up. In my opinion this is due to that first contestant who was in the hot seat for almost 15 minutes. Had a glance at watching it and she seemed very relatable, a true champ which I think contributed to the rankings.

    GO!’s Bewitched wouldn’t have contributed that much at all. Here’s just to show you that viewers are fatiguing in watching Deal – they want their brains to be challenged rather than restricted!

  12. I don’t usually watch anything at 5.30 as I’m still at the gym, but when I do happen to be home at 5.30 I usually throw on Ten News before watching the Simpsons at 6 then nothing at 6.30.

  13. Go is still new enough for people to watch it regardless of what is on, and its been said on Mediaspy that indeed Go and 9’s figures are being combined.

    And this sudden increase in Hot Seat and many other 9 programs seems odd doesn’t it? 9 haven’t relaunched, there is no real buzz or massive wholesale changes…. just going with logic.

  14. I switch on the Deal at about 10 to 6, but recently I’ve started switching over to 9 news @ 6, just giving it a chance as I’ve been watching 7 news for years. I actually don’t mind nine news anymore. I even stayed for ACA last night and the night before

  15. Bass – GO! has even started providing ratings yet…

    In addition, I think more people are going to Hot Seat, because winning it actually requires some skill, and not just luck. Unlike deal, Hot Seat changes every night in terms of questions, where as Deal is exactly the same thing over and over again.

    Interestingly though, the better lead in still doesn’t seem to be helping Nine News…

  16. @Bass – do you really think that reruns of Bewitched are the difference between Hot Seat beating Deal Or No Deal?

    I would have thought larger cash prizes and being able to ‘play at home’ would have been bigger influences.

  17. @Bass, have we had any clear info that that is the case. everyone i speak to says something different. if it is the case i wonder if jeanie (is that what go has?) is getting 80k or whatever is enough to get hot seat over the line. all will be revealed next week i guess.

  18. I switched from deal to hot seat because i could actually guess the questions instead of yell “deal” at the tv, plus the prize money is consistently higher on hot seat.

  19. 9 hold the rights to Price is Right, and I doubt they would give them over anytime soon, as much I would love to see the show back.

    There is only one real explanation – GO!

    The ratings aren’t seperate yet and that is what pushed Hot Seat over Deal, if you notice 9’s figures have been up substanially since Go started, and thats because the ratings from Go are being counted and added to 9’s normally scheduled program ratings, so basically 9 is able to currently double dip as it were 🙂

    If Hot Seat manages to do this once the ratings for Go! are seperate then I will become a believer 😀

  20. I watch TEN News, that at 5:42 when the port comes on I flick to Deal… If Nine had the Price is Right I’d watch that as Deal is getting very same old same old…

    Maybe Seven could bring it back at 5PM (since they have Larry) and test it out over first run MASH.

    And well done Nine – you’ve stuck with a program and it’s built an audience and it’s now winning (1 time anyway)… See – it’s not Rocket Surgery.

  21. Why it is headline news whenever Hot Seat, and even Today, win their timeslots once every blue moon? They just seem to end up lose the day after and the day after that and so on. Why not report it when they win two days in a row or God forbid an entire week!

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