
Multimedia company joins the mosaic

Brisbane multimedia company Hoodlum, which won an Emmy Award for their Lost site, has created also a FlashForward site: jointhemosaic.

HoodlumEmmyWinStill1Brisbane-based multimedia company Hoodlum recently won an Emmy Award for their design of an interactive site for Lost, “Dharma Wants You“.

It was their first win at the Creative Arts Emmys after losing the year before to Heroes.

Hoodlum, which creates multi-platforms for TV networks in Australia, Britain and the US, also designed the Spooks interactive site.

Now it has a site for FlashForward timed to capitalise on the show’s premiere in the US.

jointhemosaic.com parallels a website incorporated in the body of the ABC drama, which brings together the visions seen by characters all over the world, after a global blackout.

The online version created by Hoodlum allows fans to continue the experience of the show by contributing their own “FlashForward.”

Warning: minor spoilers at jointhemosaic.com

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