
Airdate: 50 to 1: All Time Greatest Movie Quotes.

Will Clark Gable top Bert's extra-long list? And more to the point, will it differ from 50 to 1: Great Movie One Liners aired in 2007?

fmd“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

That Gone with the Wind line was the top movie quote of all time according to a 2005 special recorded for CBS, to celebrate the 100th year of the American Film Institute. The special aired on Seven some time ago.

Bert Newton is about to count down the same topic in an extended 50 to 1: All Time Greatest Movie Quotes.

But in 2007, Nine aired 50 to 1: Great Movie One Liners. Will there be any discernable difference?

Nine confirmed to TV Tonight this is a re-edit with some new footage included. Together with a retitle, it saves the word “Repeat.”

The special will run for 2 hrs at 7:30pm Tuesday November 24th, followed by a repeat of The Castle.

Nine has decided to wind up Aussie Ladette to Lady in a double episode next week, dropping Secret Diary of a Call Girl at 10:30pm.

12 Responses

  1. the 50 to 1 quotes…..were pretty good, but does it mean it’s predictable if my whole family already guessed what would be number one and we were right ?

    i really think a good 20 to 1 would be the greatest Nanny quotes of all time – from the TV show The Nanny…..that would be a classic!

    and while i like watching 20 to 1, the comments made by the people are so annoying!


  2. I’d love to know how they come up with these lists… I hhave no idea how they justify the liists they have. I’m watchhing 50 to 1 right now, and they just had on Scarface as number 46, I mean, what? Really? No way. Jaws ‘we’re going to need a bigger boat’ is more recognisable than this? really?
    this is crap.

  3. Obviously the programmers are running out of ideas with movies towards the end of the year!

    Seven have gone back to James Bond in the last month. Nine have resorted to Harry Potter (for the third time this year I think), and now The Castle. Ten have re-aired their personal favourites Love Actually, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Mean Girls.

  4. Seven is guilty of re-editing old Border Security episodes and pretending they’re not repeats as well.

    Welcome to the brave new world of no-budget television.

  5. 20to1 do a lot of rebranding to avoid tagging it a repeat. there was one episode called biffs&blunders or something and then a few months later they had an adults only “what were they thinking” and it was exactly the same countdown. and i’m sure there was one the other week about celebrity scandals that was marked as new that i had seen before. and have only watched no more than 5 eps this year.

    in this case with the 50to1 it will be very obvious, i wonder if people will be fooled.

  6. This better be entirely different then the previous 50 to 1.

    At least half of the quotes should be ones that were not on the list last time. I don’t care if they don’t belong on the list, as long as they are New. I’m sick of seeing personalities talk about the same scandals, movies, songs and celebrities.

    Another thing… why replay The Castle again? What is Nine thinking? They have so many other movies in their collection. I say play the movie that has the winning quote and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be The Castle (although that belongs in at least the top 10).

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