
Gone: AFHV Daily. Returning: 2.5 Men

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From Monday the Daily Edition of Australia’s Funniest Home Videos on Nine is no more.

Charlie Sheen starts all over again with Two and a Half Men –right from the Pilot episode (which is a bit of a concern for what that might mean).

Will news of his personal life now affect the show’s following?

You have been warned….

51 Responses

  1. SHeen’s offscreen drama won’t affect the show, the show in the states didn’t take any viewership hits.

    As for repeats, it’s nuch cheaper to air a rerun of Men, then to produce Millionairre, or anything else you suggest. It cost them around 10k to repeat a Frasier episode, and I don’t think Men would be much more. Also, it’s a sitcom, so it is bound to skew young in terms of viewers, which advertisers all love, plus it’s a spectacular foundation for the start of primetime. It’s also why I’m very surprised that Channel 10 insists on airring 7pm project, it’s getting pummelled and costs them through the nose to produce and air it, why not air The Simpsons, or Friends repeats, same viewership, a tenth of the cost, and also, both skew young, as opposed to 7pm project, which seems to be trying to entice the over 55s.

    I could organise a schedule for channel 9, that would make sense, but then again this is free-to-air TV, we don’t even bother to make a schedule, we just jumble the shows and throw them wherever there;s a free time slot…

  2. How about Nine show that last season of the King of Queens that hasn’t been aired? It would be a hell of a lot better than putting out the same crap that they’ve been shoveling down our throats for the past 2 years.

  3. I wonder what life is like in most WIN & NBN markets that don’t get this show every weekday? Utopia, perhaps? Anyway, I’m sure the rest of the country is happy it’s back (even if they don’t post comments to TV Tonight).

  4. I won’t be watching the re-runs, just hope they make it clear when new eps start up but with the troubles Charlie is having I wouldn’t be surprised if it took a hit in the ratings in the US and was axed.

  5. Wow – from the start – that’s daring.

    It wouldn’t be that bad if they left the show only 7pm, and played the new ones once a week (when available) but the fact it ends up as much as 10 times a week is a big turn off and really non-creative programming.

  6. So now for people in the eastern states, they can watch is on either Nine or Arena 5 nights a week at 7pm. For Adelaide, we get it at 6.30 on Arena, so an hour a night now.
    I wont be watching, it is not a show I would watch repeats of, its not that great.
    Anything is better than Unfunniest Morons Home Videos.

  7. Nine only shows what rates so there must be a good many people that missed Men
    on its 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th, whatever time around

    Eventually it will reach saturation with everyone tired of watching repeats.. and Nine will be hung out to dry – starting again from the pilot might be the death knell

  8. Perhaps Nine’s AFHV will soon return on Saturdays soon-where it rates better than the daily edition.
    Ciuldn’t Nine cme up with something other than 2.5 Men (eg. a game show, primetime Hot Seat)?

  9. @ George: Ten will be airing Malcolm in the Middle at 6pm weeknights as of next week with hour-long airings at 7.30pm Thursdays and Fridays which will allow them to flog off any PG rated episodes.

  10. Hasn’t Ch 9 figured out that showing far too much of “2 & Half Men” is gonna cause them to lose popularity with viewers!.

    I hope that Home & Away’s return on Jan 25th annihilates “2&HM” in the ratings!!.

  11. As well as what I said before, I hope TEN also stop airing Simpsons at 6PM each night.. I’m sick of the networks using stuff which has already aired a billion times instead of being creative.

  12. Please let 2010 be the year that 2.5 men dies. Whether it takes a week, month, or until the end of the year, I hope this is the last year that Nine strips this show at 7PM weeknights.

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