
Airdate: Dead Gorgeous

The ABC has backtracked from plans to give ABC3 the World Premiere of Dead Gorgeous, its new children's drama and instead will launch it on ABC1.

The ABC has backtracked from plans to give ABC3 the World Premiere of Dead Gorgeous, its new Australian-produced children’s drama.

The spooky series about 3 girls who died in 1861 but return to their estate as ghosts 150 years later will instead launch on ABC1.

Produced by Burberry Productions, the series features Melissa Howard (Rebecca), Poppy Lee Friar (Sophie), Alexandra Coppinger (Hazel), Blake Davis (Jonathan), Chris Milligan (David), Jay Kennedy Harris (Charlie), Aisha Dee (Christine), Gerry Connolly (Mr Griffith), Julie Forsyth (Haiwyn Sinclaire) and Julie Eckersley (Agatha Heggleby).

It begins 5:20pm Monday April 5th on ABC1 and is replayed from 8pm April 13 on ABC3.

Dead Gorgeous follows the comical adventures of three beautiful, strong-willed teenage sisters Rebecca (Melissa Howard), Sophie (Poppy Lee Friar) and Hazel Ainsworth (Alexandra Coppinger) who just happen to be ghosts!

When the three sisters died in a tragic coach accident in 1861, alongside their beloved nanny Mildred, they thought it was obviously some sort of cosmic ‘glitch’.

Taking matters into her own hands, Rebecca makes an application to the Ghost Council, the high court of the afterlife, requesting them to return her and her sisters back to the world of the living. But the afterlife is much like real life, bureaucracy is slow and forms get lost or misfiled. For the sisters, the wait was 150 years, stuck in limbo.

Upon their return to the estate, the girls quickly realise their home has been turned into a school. They now find themselves in a world unbeknown to them, and under the watchful eye of their colourful, ghostly guardian – Agatha (Julie Eckersley). The sisters can stay under one circumstance – no one is to find out their secret otherwise they will be sent back to the afterlife.

231 Responses

  1. Good for you Alex. Mums are always right lol. I heard theres a casting call for my place series 2. Are you going to audition for that?

  2. Thanks for posting replies to this site, Alex. It’s good of you to do that. By the way, the Hazel’s Tree episode was one of the best. It carried a strong message but wrapped it up in a very entertaining way, and blended it with the sisters (H in particular, of course) not only realising how much time had passed since their deaths by how much the tree had grown, but also that their mother was no longer around. I felt you carried it very well. Good acting, a good script, good directing and a very special episode. Well done.

  3. Don’t worry I’m pretty grounded says my mum and I have the right upbringing not to turn out like them. Most of us have stayed in touch and talk regularly although a few of them have drifted away a bit. I really enjoyed working with everyone and it was cool to have it filmed in my home state so a few of my friends were on the show as cast or extras.

  4. Alex – I think the casting was spot on for the three sisters, your personalities work so well together. Do you keep in touch or has the whole cast drifted away to… wherever actors and actresses go after filming ends?

  5. Sounds fun. You must be getting heaps of ppl coming up to you and asking for photos and autographs. Dont turn out like miley cyrus or linsay lohan lol.

    Who was the coolest person to work with on set? (I hope all these questions arent getting you annoyed)

  6. Each day was different and exciting and we never filmed in order, but first day of filming was exciting and new, the last day was sad. It was easy to cry in Hazel’s Tree since i love the environment, but as for the most exciting well the whole experience was an adventure.

  7. Yeah, when I got back to school and D.G. first aired it was like “augh” for awhile but I’m getting used to it now. I don’t know why everyone loves my hair so much as well, it’s kinda confusing.

  8. Alex.C the actress? If so, Hazel is like everyone’s favourite character for some reason.

    Kudos to David Knox for writing so many good articles. It must be tiring writing so much.

  9. If any of you live in Australia too you can watch D.G. on ABC 3 at 7:40 am weekdays. Or on the ABC 3 website.

  10. Well, here’s hoping a new one starts rolling very very soon and it works out for you all, and then the crazy world of the Ainsworth clan carry on for a while longer. Besides,wherever the series is shot in Australia is beautiful and I miss seeing it. In the mean time I’ll keep my fingers crossed and make do with the odd quirky ghost-related book! Just finished a good one.

  11. I haven’t been alerted on anything yet but I really want to do another series.

  12. Cheers Alex, hope all is well down there in Australia! Any news on the next series or anything?

  13. OMG!!! I love this show!!! It’s the best!! I’m so obsessed with it!! It’s so cute and I love all the characters. I wonder when or if they are going to make another series. Because they must. And series 2 should have like…twice as many episodes like 26 because I love this show so much. Man, I would love to meet the cast.


  14. I agree Olivia, and I think there’s a lot of people waiting for the dvd to be released. So far only chaos.com is selling it, and even then it is only half the series which is available. Such a limited outlet for a tv show makes me avoid that release just in case it’s ‘unofficial’. I emailed the BBC to ask about when they’ll be doing a properly endorsed BBC release but they retain a peculiar silence. Oh well, one can but wait and be patient….

  15. Sofa boy, yeah I had a look at Chaos first but I’m not so sure it’s the complete series. They could mean the complete volume one. That’s the same cover of the DVD I’ve seen like everywhere and it’s only volume one.

    I wonder why it is so hard to track down the whole series for such fantastic show.

  16. Girlofsteel the abc shop only sells volume one for $19.99 and chaos.com sells the whole series for £9.95

  17. Decaf lol. Order it from the ABC shop. I got my copy there. But only volume one is available, which consists of seven episodes and some behind the scenes footage.


    I’m sure they ship overseas.

  18. I see that chaos.com is offering season 1 now, but does anyone know if this is an ‘official’ release or just a no-frills short run from one distributor? I would have thought the BBC and/or the ABC network would have put their logos all over it and given it a general release if it was done with their approval and full backing, rather than no publicity and only one outlet in the entire world. I’ll watch and wait for some reviews before ordering it.
    The delay is something of a surprise. If you look at some of the obscure drama series and weak comedies (both recent and archival) which both companies happily present to the public on dvd, the absence of DG becomes even more baffling. Or maybe I should switch to decaff coffee and be patient.

  19. I hate it when fans add their fav celeb on fb. In 90210 some guy in his late 20s played a student so I’m guessing…make up does wonders.

  20. Alex is on facebook i want to add her as my friend but she won’t exept me any way my is james ainsworth (really) and i’m on facebook too
    Can’t find her though add me alex

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