
Airdate: Dead Gorgeous

The ABC has backtracked from plans to give ABC3 the World Premiere of Dead Gorgeous, its new children's drama and instead will launch it on ABC1.

The ABC has backtracked from plans to give ABC3 the World Premiere of Dead Gorgeous, its new Australian-produced children’s drama.

The spooky series about 3 girls who died in 1861 but return to their estate as ghosts 150 years later will instead launch on ABC1.

Produced by Burberry Productions, the series features Melissa Howard (Rebecca), Poppy Lee Friar (Sophie), Alexandra Coppinger (Hazel), Blake Davis (Jonathan), Chris Milligan (David), Jay Kennedy Harris (Charlie), Aisha Dee (Christine), Gerry Connolly (Mr Griffith), Julie Forsyth (Haiwyn Sinclaire) and Julie Eckersley (Agatha Heggleby).

It begins 5:20pm Monday April 5th on ABC1 and is replayed from 8pm April 13 on ABC3.

Dead Gorgeous follows the comical adventures of three beautiful, strong-willed teenage sisters Rebecca (Melissa Howard), Sophie (Poppy Lee Friar) and Hazel Ainsworth (Alexandra Coppinger) who just happen to be ghosts!

When the three sisters died in a tragic coach accident in 1861, alongside their beloved nanny Mildred, they thought it was obviously some sort of cosmic ‘glitch’.

Taking matters into her own hands, Rebecca makes an application to the Ghost Council, the high court of the afterlife, requesting them to return her and her sisters back to the world of the living. But the afterlife is much like real life, bureaucracy is slow and forms get lost or misfiled. For the sisters, the wait was 150 years, stuck in limbo.

Upon their return to the estate, the girls quickly realise their home has been turned into a school. They now find themselves in a world unbeknown to them, and under the watchful eye of their colourful, ghostly guardian – Agatha (Julie Eckersley). The sisters can stay under one circumstance – no one is to find out their secret otherwise they will be sent back to the afterlife.

231 Responses

  1. Ha ha, I remember the oatmeal one. How completely revolting for you, Alex! You must have been stunned when you read the script and found you had to do that! You did well to look so ‘enthusiastic’ about it, there wasn’t even a hint of “Oh yecch, my hair!”

    I’m a bit wary of Facebook, one of my friends had an awful time on it when her id was ‘borrowed’. People can be so selfish at times. Even on this site, a while ago someone used someone else’s name to send comments in. Sad really, but that’s how people can be.

    Dead Gorgeous One, we get quite a few Australian soaps over here and I do dip into them! I prefer the nature progs like Crocodile Hunter or Wild Down Under. Makes me so want to visit Australia one day. Oh, and films like Picnic At Hanging Rock, as well. What a strange but amazing film. Australia looks so good.

  2. I dont use facebook anymore but its okay. Green oatmeal in your hair? Nice lol. Yeah the science experiments looked fun. I like the episode smoke and mirrors where you guys do the egg thing.

  3. A tip for not laughing at lines is to think of it as you’re delivering the lines and not watching the show. Funny times were a lot of science experiments Stella (Mattie) and I do, oh and putting oatmeal in my hair. It went green.

    Yes the sets are huge and you can see some pics on my facebook account if you like. You’ll have to add me though to see them.


  4. Haha. I love tim tams. Theyre the best. Do you watch neighbours or home away in England?

  5. No, here in England we don’t have Tim Tams. In fact I’d never heard of them until you mentioned them, so I looked them up on Wikipedia. I want one! They look gorgeous. According to wikipedia you can bite both ends off and use them as a straw. Sounds gross to me, yet strangely compelling. I imagine with a coffee they’d be heavenly. Thank you, tvtonight.com, for introducing me to another slice of great Australian culture! Must find Tim Tams… must find Time Tams….

  6. Oz Telly Addict, do you have tim tams in the UK?

    Alex, being on a film set sounds really fun. Youre very lucky. And the school looked huge. Was it as big as it looked on film?

  7. Alex, you all hid the giggles very well. On the subject of cracking up, were there any scenes which were difficult due to laughing your heads off? I imagine in a comedy you must find certain lines as funny as the viewer. Even big name actors who have been around for years and years suffer from giggles on set when things either go wrong, or the script is really funny.

  8. Yeah it was incredibly hard, each time we had to do it we would crack up. The shots took ages.

  9. Yes! That was the first thing I noticed. The cinematography was fab I thought. I havent seen a show do that before I think. I think it must be harder to act but its more effective on the audience.

  10. Alex, one of the clever quirks about DG was the way the cast would occasionally look straight into the camera when delivering their lines, so that the viewer sees what the other character would see. Was that weird to do? I’d imagine looking into a camera and pretending to talk to a real person is a strange thing to do and tricky to sound natural. You all did it incredibly well, by the way!

  11. That’s cool. It was funny when Rebecca had to dig the gold out. I noticed one thing, Melissa always gets covered in stuff. Dirt. That green stuff from Grendel. Mayo. Egg.

  12. Me too. I would love a second series. It would be a shame if they didnt make one.

  13. Oh, I remember it now. That’s a relief, phew! The bit about Beijing threw me, but I definitely remember the crazy races. Sophie has a heated conversation with Agatha in the middle of one race, but of course nobody else can see Agatha and therefore Sophie looks quite mad. LOL. Hazel had a similar thing in an episode with voices in her head. Hee hee, so many funny bits! I do hope a second series comes along.

  14. A friend indeed was episode 9.

    Jonathan was supposed to go to Beijing because hes like top student or something like that. But Piper, one of Christines friends, takes his place. Rebecca tries to find out why Jonathan is upset and finds out that his mum doesnt have enough money to pay for the trip. Meanwhile Sophie is becoming popular because she begins winning races in school but she is cheating by using levitation (although it looks way more like super speed lol).

    And the quote from before, Rebecca said that. It was when she wanted Sophie to play basketball with her to get close to David.

    One of my favourite quotes would have to be when David says to Rebecca “I wrote my name on it…I spelled it right” about the visiting card he gives to her for living history day.

  15. Oh no! Did I miss that episode? What happened in that one? I thought I’d seen them all (plus the random repeats on the BBC) but that one doesn’t ring a bell for me at all! I’m distressed now! I’ll have to send another begging email to the BBC asking for the release date. The one on chaos.com is a Region 4 dvd so it won’t play here in England. O me miserum.
    My favourite quote from the series (and there are so Many of them!) would be from an early episode (I forget which one). Either Hazel or Rebecca goes into their room and finds Sophie doing some embroidery. H or R says to her with perfect Jane Austen intonation, words to the effect “Sophie, aren’t you supposed to be practicing busting phat beat moves on the phat beats mega dance mat?) and she responds quite passively in perfect olde English. Blending old with new like that always made me laugh. Top script, and top acting.

  16. Oz Telly Addict, I so agree. I was watching old ghosts and was like blown away by Poppys performance. I really liked that episode and Rebeccas naive as usual.

    A friend indeed was a sad episode I thought. Where Jonathan couldnt go to Beijing and was all sad.

  17. My favourite episode was (alongside Hazel’s Tree) the Old Ghosts one. That’s the one where the old stables are to be demolished and Sophie becomes possessed by an awful man – and has to play two parts. To me it looked like Poppy was having a brilliant time acting so out of character, and she got the part so right from the facial mannerisms to the way she carried herself as a foppish, spoilt cad. I wouldn’t expect such a young actress to play the role so well, I’d think any actress would find it tricky. It was also a poignant episode about Sophie losing something special to herself.
    That episode had some great moments in it, eg when the headmaster is showing the students the model of the new centre which will replace the old stables. If my memory serves me, Rebecca says quite innocently “It’s a bit small, isn’t it?” and has to have it pointed out that the real one would be built outside. Hah hah.

    Overall, my favourite moment in the entire series was Hazel’s song about her tree, which she performed for the headmaster. It was so utterly mad, yet heartfelt. And the headmaster had to be like a patient grandfather to her rather than a teacher. Nice one, Alex!

  18. Oz Telly Addict, all the characters are good, i guess. i think i like david best 🙂 and the sisters also.

    Alex, I really liked hazel in gold, how she helped tom kelly. How deep was the well in that episode?

  19. Oh yes those dreaded frogs, I’ll never touch one again. HeHe. Well as I said I care for the environment so I love Hazel’s Tree.

  20. Alex, Im sure that this is just the start of your life long career and that you’ll be a great actress. Whats your favourite episode? Mine is sisters in mind. The frogs looked cute but sticky.

  21. My favourite character would have to be…. there’s quite a few to choose from! The sisters all work so well individually but also together, and the headmaster is such a mad person (and so patient with the sisters!) he’s always good for a laugh. Even the popular clique, that trio who aren’t terribly nice to the Ainsworths are amusing in their own way, especially when they get their comeuppance (did I spell that word right?). I really like where it’s set, as well.

  22. Thanks and i am happy to reply to sites. I’m not sure if I’ll audition for My Place it depends if my agent asks for me to audition really.

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