
Returning: The Cleveland Show. Gone: Supernatural (again)

Sorry Supernatural fans....new episodes of The Cleveland Show are moving in.

This one probably won’t go down too well….

Next Monday night will be the last screening of Supernatural in its 10pm slot, and it has been spooked from TEN’s schedule.

In what seems like deja vu, the show will disappear after poor ratings (gee can we get any more puns in?).

The following week, Monday 19th, TEN has a lengthy MasterChef premiere followed by GNW and TEN News.

A week later, April 25th, The Cleveland Show returns with “Field of Streams” as a Series Return at 10pm, following a 90 minute GNW.

On Monday night Supernatural took just 330,000 viewers, despite fans running online campaigns championing its return.

120 Responses

  1. Ten Ten Ten!

    Same old game. Hope it works for you. Supernatural has evolved over the seasons and taken a much lighter approach.,,,but I still like it, I was pleased to see it back in the schedule and annoyed that you can not give it a decent run, even in this late slot.
    Another show I will now have to watch in some other format.

  2. I love all Sci-fi and this is the final straw for me. And this goes for all FTA channels, with the exception of SBS & ABC. All my favorite tv series from now and in the future, i will watch in my own time by other means. Blockbusters/VideoEzy has most back series and new series of Sci-fi shows. Screw FTA 4eva. Enough said.

  3. @Elise – TV stations.networks don’t get anything from online or DVD sales, the original production company and studio do.

    I agree, TEN should have just put this on after Letterman and be done with it (aka Army Wives), people then can record it and not complain that TEN have neglected the show. My be is SN will appear on their new 3rd channel later in the year. Too bad many here would have already seen the season, any probably into the next.

  4. It’s a shame but I wish the fans would shut up; I watch Supernatural via DVD; and I am well behind; have only watched Season 1 and 2. I have 3 waiting.

    It has a cult following but cut TEN a break guys. They have tried it over and over and over again and no one is watching; 330,000 viewers seriously?! How can you expect the network to keep it on air?

    When TEN’s 3rd digital channel starts up it will have a permanent home no doubt.

  5. Maybe TEN should hand it over to FOX8? It seems TEN really can’t market these niche shows, like Supernatural, Stargate Universe, Outrageous Fortune. It seems to clash with their repeats of Love Actually.

    Unlike FOX8, who really need the new stuff. Gossip Girl is one of their success stories, maybe the same could happen with SN?

    Now I know how fans of The West Wing felt…..

  6. @ Taylor– so there’s like 500,000 Australian Supernatural fans that are all overseas right now??

    Supernatural fans need to accept that not enough people watch it and that’s why it keeps getting taken off the air. I don’t blame TEN either.

  7. I don’t really care for Supernatural but why stick The Cleveland Show at 10pm? Why not just wait til later in the year when Ten has run out of decent programming after 7:30pm.

    I really think it is wasted at such a late timeslot. If anything it should be leading in GNW (especially with SBS not playing any decent comedies at 8:30pm any more).

  8. first of all, it is annoying with the fact that channel ten keeps on cancelling supernatural. There wasn’t even enough ads for it either. Oh yeah, maybe at the 10pm slot, but come on, just because people what supernatural doesn’t mean they always watch 10pm shows. So how are people going to know when and when it isn’t going to be on? The Ads don’t even have anything to do with the episodes. They don’t even try to make it interesting. The next episode is about a Supernatural convention. But where does it mention that on the ads? No where. Seriously if I wasn’t a fan, I wouldn’t want to watch it.

    Second of All, putting it off to a later time when most of the viewers I’m guessing are teens-20s. Oh and putting supernatural after GNW who always go overtime may not have been the best idea. Seriously (not funny) Comedy -> Sci-Fi? It does not work!

    third of all, supernatural has a large fanbase all around the world, and many devoted fans. So haters, don’t be like ‘oh supernatural has no fans, so shut up blah blah blah’. Just because you are not a fan doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t.

    lastly, I don’t think people would give some effort into sending postcards, letters, calling channel ten if they won’t be watching it on TV. I mean it is the easter holidays, and I know many people are overseas. Lack of ads (and they’re crap) + cancelling the show and putting it back on, then cancelling again + GNW going over time + late time slows + holiday time = lower ratings.

  9. please explain to me, channel ten. how is Supernatural meant to have a hope in hell of boosting rating when you keep changing the time slot and still can’t manage to start the show when you say it’s gunna be on??? what show could possibly get anywhere near the ratings Supernatural got, when people switch on to watch and it isn’t on? then, to actually see the show, have to wait anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour for the show to start? only dedicated Supernatural fans continue to wait until you finally get around to putting our beloved show on. i bet the cleveland show will be lucky to get 3,000 viewers, given the same treatment.

  10. I still can’t get over the fact that tv stations take the ratings figures as gospel. In 30+ years, I have known 1 person with a ratings box.

    Having said that……I can’t say I was enjoying the Castiel story arc…. and have since decided my time was better spent somewhere else.

    Channel Ten should just screen it at 1am so people can set their PVR’s/Tivos/VCR’s. That way, at least it can be released on DVD and iTunes in Australia.

    (David – Do TV stations receive a cut from proceeds of dvd and iTunes sales if they owned the original screening rights?)

  11. Why doesn’t Supernatural get good ratings? The answer is simple. It’s because TEN screwed up ages ago.
    People who have missed episodes aren’t given the chance to catch up (since there are never repeats of SPN, unlike other shows which are constantly repeated during prime-time)
    New viewers can’t start watching because they’ve already missed too many seasons and are misled by the bad (and lack of) advertising
    Most fans have already seen the episodes elsewhere/DVDs.
    What was the point of putting SPN back on TV, only to suddenly remove it, again? Time and time again, TEN has announced that SPN will be back, only for it to be postponed indefinitely, then after months and months of fans sending mail to TEN, it is put back on and removed after only 2 weeks.
    I hope TEN gets rid of SPN from its possession and gives it to NIne.
    SPN would be great after The Vampire Diaries on GO.

  12. Cleveland Show at 10? After a 90 minute GNW? Weird scheduling!

    I feel Cleveland would work better as part of a Simpsons / Futurama / Cleveland lineup. And just go ahead and make GNW 2 hours till 10.30

  13. I’m surprised that people are surprised. I love the adventures of the Winchester boys but have given up on channel 10 treating their show with any respect. It really irks me that they have other good shows that I need to watch so I can’t even get a litle bit of satisfaction by boycotting the station completely.

  14. Hey Supernatural morons, get over it!!! Just like The Office, you blogged, they listened, and then you forgot to watch.
    You can blame advertising (of which I saw plenty for a 10pm program), or you can blame anything you want but when your program gets 300k viewers…. suck it up, it’s a niche show, wait for the DVDs and shut the eff up.

  15. Here’s an idea TEN, get rid of The Biggest Loser, it’s people losing weight, and then you run it overtime by 15 mins… nobody cares about a bunch of people losing weight anymore, we see that on our streets every other day…

  16. This is why people are avoiding FTA for some of their TV, it’s catch 22. They don’t air them, or keep taking them off so people go else where, when it comes back the ratings are lower of course so they last a week and are gone!

    Sorry TEN you’ve lots me for watching Supernatural on your channel!

  17. i totally agree with Brandex. SupernaturaL is a great show and it has a lot of fans but i think due to the poor advertising of Ch10 and not actually showing it on the expected time, it loses a lot of veiwers. and anyway..i watched one episode of cleveland show and it’s not even that good. i didn’t even watch the whole episode. no offense to the fans of cleveland….

  18. I am getting sick and f***ing tired of ten doing this to us! The reason it gets s**t ratings is because of the s**t timeslot it is given! It is not even given a timeslot, all it is given is “monday night sfater gnw”

  19. Regardless of whether anyone likes SPN or not, Channel 10 just seems determined to demonstrate that it can’t run a scheduling department. It really does look like amateur hour, making the whole channel less appealing overall. It just seems sad, that’s all…

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