
Late run for Ray Meagher

Latest Logie tips are debating the Gold going to either Rebecca Gibney, Ray Meagher or Shaun Micallef.

Latest Logie tips are debating the Gold going to either Rebecca Gibney, Ray Meagher or Shaun Micallef.

Michael Idato from the Sydney Morning Herald lays it all on the line saying, “Only three things in life are certain: death, taxes and Rebecca Gibney winning the Gold Logie on Sunday night.”  The newspaper also has a clip from the horrendous “Gifting Suite” -the second year celebs have been plied with free goodies (and apologies to those living below the poverty line).

The Herald Sun appears to be backing Ray Meagher, noting he has enjoyed a surge of support in recent weeks, with fans campaigning for him on Facebook and Twitter while its readers have Shaun Micallef just behind Rebecca Gibney in polls.

“I think Ray and Rebecca are the main threat, but I would have thought that Rebecca is the favourite and Ray the dark horse,” Micallef said.

“He deserves it, for sure. He’s waited longer than anyone, so I think it’s only fair.

“I think it would be nice if we (all of the nominees) could get up on stage, not just the winner.”

The Australian
also nods to Ray Meagher, noting “A win for Meagher would be a mild surprise, although the viewer-voted selections have been romantic choices in recent years.”

However Graeme Blundell writing for The Australian tips Shaun Micallef.  He writes with great personal experience and historic perspective on the annual event:

“Presenters must display witty verbal play, sexual suggestion and comic abuse before 2000 people who are willing them to fail, although many leave the room early and never return from the corridor, where the real show happens in an atmosphere of exhaled smoke and alcohol fumes,” he notes.

“When you’re there and wander outside during the commercial breaks, you can’t help but notice an unusual amount of traffic in and out of the toilets, people returning glassy-eyed with strange smiles and touches of white powder around their upper lip.

“But despite all this, the Logies — and yes, there are too many categories — are still a wacky part of our cultural heritage.”

TV experts Bigpond News reckon its Meagher or Gibney (and didn’t credit this site for it’s reference to Julia Zemiro).

The Courier Mail also seems to be backing Ray Meagher (and again references Julia Zemiro’s comments without attribution).

Aside from a question this week on ABC 774, no journalist has asked my tip about who will win.

So for the record I’m tipping it to go down to either Rebecca Gibney or Shaun Micallef, with the former still likely to be clutching Gold at the end of the night.

15 Responses

  1. the thing about the gold logie, it is not like a horse race, the favourite is very accurately calculatable and pretty much always wins atleast in the last few years. even when there is a close match like between chris lilley and kate ritchie the favourite (kate) always ends up winning. and this year there seems to be a clear leader so i would put money on rebecca.

    i don’t think shaun has a chance at all, most betting agencies put him as a distatant 4th behind rove. all those men will be splitting the votes 5 ways.

  2. Yes, It’s Ray Meaghers turn this year. I’ve tiped them right for the past four years ever since Kate Ritchie first one. But who knew Rays surname was pronounced Mah? He sounds like some rapper dude, RayMa!

  3. i’m with you David, Rebecca is still the one, Shaun a quirky but breakout hit in 2009. That said I shouldn’t rule out Ray Meagher as John Wood won a few years back and at the time felt he had all the star quality of a piece of wood (pardon the terrible pun!!!) Ray and Ian Smith before him are just too daggy to take the top prize.

  4. I’m tipping Ray will win it, and I’ve put my 55c behind him. Even (if like me) you don’t watch H&A, he has been a stablemate of Australia tv for decades.

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