
TV Week overhauls Logie voting in 2024

Just 3 awards to remain as "Popular" categories with Logies ditching "Outstanding" categories and renaming as "Best."

TV Week is overhauling voting and categories for the 64th TV Week Logie Awards to be held in Sydney on Sunday 18 August.

The changes are being introduced “to ensure the Awards evolve and prosper as well as reflect Australia’s vibrant, dynamic and world-class television industry alongside the viewing habits of Australians.”

Most of the long-standing Popular and Outstanding categories will be renamed as Best, voted by a combined score from a judging panel, viewing data and Australian public votes.

The exceptions are:

  • Gold Logie for Most Popular Personality, with nominees decided by a panel of independent industry experts, before being voted on by the Australian public.
  • Bert Newton Award for Most Popular Presenter as above.
  • Graham Kennedy Award for Most Popular New Talent will also be decided in this way.
  • Hall of Fame Award will continue to be solely determined by a panel of independent industry experts.

The remaining 20 awards, renamed as “Best” are determined by a combined score from a judging panel, viewing data and Australian public votes.

There are also several other category changes:

  • Separating Comedy from Drama in the acting categories given its popularity and success as a genre
  • Adding a second News award to acknowledge its significance as one of the most watched pillars on Australian television.
  • In 2024 Drama has been separated out from Miniseries and Telemovie
  • Comedy and Reality categories will, for the first time, be split into Scripted Comedy and Comedy Entertainment, and Competition Reality and Structured Reality, respectively.

Judging panels will be expanded with the aim of securing greater industry representation, with recruitment now underway for 2024 TV Week Logie Awards judges. Judges should have at least five years’ professional experience in the television or screen industries and have capacity to take on this role between Friday 26 April and Monday 20 May. More details can be found at awards.tvweeklogies.com.au/judges.

Seven will screen the 64th TV Week Logie Awards on Sunday 18 August 2024.

1. TV Week Gold Logie – Most Popular Personality on Australian Television
2. TV Week Logie – Hall of Fame Award
3. Bert Newton Award for Most Popular Presenter
4. Graham Kennedy Award for Most Popular New Talent
5. TV Week Silver Logie – Best Lead Actor in a Drama
6. TV Week Silver Logie – Best Lead Actress in a Drama
7. TV Week Silver Logie – Best Lead Actor in a Comedy
8. TV Week Silver Logie – Best Lead Actress in a Comedy
9. TV Week Silver Logie – Best Supporting Actor
10. TV Week Silver Logie – Best Supporting Actress
11. TV Week Silver Logie – Best News or Public Affairs Presenter
12. Best Drama Program
13. Best Miniseries or Telemovie
14. Best Entertainment Program
15. Best Current Affairs Program
16. Best Scripted Comedy Program
17. Best Comedy Entertainment Program
18. Best Competition Reality Program
19. Best Structured Reality Program
20. Best Lifestyle Program
21. Best News Coverage or Public Affairs Report
22. Best Factual or Documentary Program
23. Best Sports Coverage
24. Best Children’s Program

Eligibility period for shows which first aired between 1 April 2023 -31 March 2024.

17 Responses

  1. The composite score of votes + jury + viewing data makes it a more robust measure of quality/performance so that’s good, and the new categories also make sense. I hope that viewing data takes into account multi-platform as well (would that be “reach”?), if their aim is to “evolve”. Also would be interested to see what the rubric is for the jury to evaluate on and any other rules they have about the makeup of the jury to ensure diversity/objectivity. (The Judges link is broken btw)

  2. I kind of like the idea but I also think it can turn out like Eurovision when so called ‘panel of experts’ actually choose the song *the wrong ones to me always. Before we get to vote.

  3. It does simplify the awards, in a way. Like having one actor and actress award, best Drama, best realuty show etc, compared to two each (popular and outstanding).

    But I do miss the days when the Logies was a two step process. And the Public had a big say on who’d be up for an award. Vote for the nominees, then vote for the winners.

    Nothing will stop networks pushing for us to vote for a particular person (cough cough Seven and Sonia Kruger).

  4. So they have finally conceded that Australian TV is no longer outstanding. Or are they the ones not on 7 and 9 that are now not popular enough to recoginise?

  5. They’ve just stuffed up the whole awards concept again. Any award that is “Best” should be based on quality and not popularity.

    Potentially you’re just going to have shows like Home and Away or Married at First Sight win every single year because their popularity and ratings will skew heavily in their favour. Who determines whether an actor is Lead or Supporting in a soap when they’re all credited equally? And all the quality shows on the ABC and streaming services won’t even be nominated because their ratings are so low.

    The Logies are just utter rubbish now.

  6. So basically they’re weighting it 50/50 (i am assuming) between their “panel” and audience but then it says viewing data too??? How does that even work? I dunno how i feel about that tbh. The Logies has always been a fan based awards show split with the outstanding categories voted by industry. It makes more sense sure but takes away some of the credibility that the outstanding awards had imo. We will see how it all pans out i suppose but i dont like how we used to have a say on whom was nominated for awards. The networks and industry now select that and i really really dislike that.

    1. I suppose they want to stop the troll votes that Tom Gleeson took advantage of with things like Grant Denyer winning the gold logie while the only show he was involved with at the time had been axed or Lee Lin Chin getting nominated year after year even after she had retired. Of course to counterbalance that we will probably end up back in the old days where the networks push whom ever they decided is their golden child and we get a Lisa McCune or Georgie Parker winning for three or four years in a row.

      1. The same year Tom Gleeson won, Sam Mac was nominated for the Gold Logie. Rather than the main hosts. This was a push from Seven at the time to nominate him. There was no outcry for Mac being nominated, but for some reason, there was for Gleeson. So when a network campaigns, its okay, but when an individual campaigns, its a big no no.

        When voting changed a year or two ago, it made little difference. Seven bombarded us with “vote now for Sonia Kruger”, and she won!

        1. Sort of…. I do recall there was commentary around Gleeson, Sam Mac, Eve Morey, Costa. The Sunrise army did push for Mac enthusiastically, but Gleeson did it with a sneer, and then made a divisive speech. I think that’s why it lingers around his name more than others.

          1. Thanks for the quick response.

            I agree that Gleeson’s speech about the way he won lingers more than the other nominees.

            There’s always going to be the good and the bad with every awards ceremony.

  7. I actually like these changes but I think this one in particular:

    “Separating Comedy from Drama in the acting categories given its popularity and success as a genre”

    Is to prevent Kitty Flanagan from winning against dramatic actors again. Probably a lot of noses out of joint the last two times she’s won.

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