
Marta, Sam, Janet: Logie snubs and omissions

There will always be names that missed the nominee list, but here are some glaring oversights.

There were some top names up for awards in Sunday’s Logie nominations.

It’s particularly pleasing to see, for instance young actors such as Imi Mbedla & Ava Caryofyllis from Bay of Fires, and Felix Cameron and Lee Tiger Halley from Boy Swallows Universe up for Best New Talent. Cameron will win that race, and very probably upstage the adults in Best Lead Actor in a Drama as well.

But in any awards nominations there are always those who have missed out

Readers lamented the absence of The Cheap Seats, The 1% Club, Neighbours, Tipping Point from the nominations, plus various favourite faces.

I’m a little shocked Sam Pang is not nominated given he is on two networks and was lauded for hosting last year. TVT readers have voted him favourite male for three years running now. If he was in the running for Gold I reckon he’d take it out.

Five Bedrooms has never been nominated in the Popular Drama category so are now absent, neither has Bump -although it probably wasn’t their strongest seasons.

Bay of Fires, however, definitely deserved a nod in the Drama series category, it was even ABC’s most popular drama in 2023. Marta Dusseldorp also was worthy of a nomination, but the judges have given a nod to an American playing an Australian, instead of an Australian playing an Australian.

Leah Purcell was nominated for supporting actress in The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, but not as a lead in High Country, which debuted just before the closing date.

It’s great to see Michelle Lim Davidson nominated for supporting actress for The Newsreader, but a shame no nod for Marg Downey and William McInnes in supporting categories.

Janet Andrewartha is a big omission in the supporting category for her powerful performance in Safe Home.

But alas, there will always be those who miss out (I’m sure I’m forgetting some to acknowledge even here!).

You can vote for the Logies at tvweeklogies.com.au

Who will win the Gold Logie?

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10 Responses

  1. Working Dog, the team behind an endless list of quality Australian TV over the past 3 decades should be this years selection for the Hall of Fame.

  2. I’ll be honest I was disappointed in the list for most categories. The landscape of TV has changed and the opportunity to vote for gold as selected by viewers is a real miss in the public voting from the outset, rather than being told by the networks who they think we should vote for!

    1. I agree. Why not have the public vote for the public awards, and have the industry vote for the Outstanding categories. Combining them is a step backwards.

      A shame that William McInnes isn’t up for an award. He was great in The Newsreader.

      Shame that The Chase, Tipping Point and The 1% Club aren’t nominated either. And poor San Pang. At least he gets nominated at the TVTonight Awards regularly 🙂

      1. I was pleased to see NCIS Sydney as a ‘best’ drama, as I am enjoying it on free to air 10 and Willaim McInnes is great in that too. Always been an underrated actor in my opinion.

  3. The show was awful, but Emma Booth in Paper Dolls was terrific… she kept me watching til the bitter end.
    Also I suspect The Last King Of The Cross must’ve screened outside the nomination time… cos that’s missing too.
    Prosper was also a surprising omission. After a rocky first few episodes it was really motoring by the back half.

  4. I think the Logies have long since avoided awarding actual quality – it is just a popularity contest.

    When you have a show like Safe Home, and so many quality Australian programs on streamers, ABC & SBS – but yet still rewarding reality and talk shows as content. It’s just sad to see.

  5. Agree some people and programs just have to miss out but it does seem odd Home and Away goes from being most awards drama to nothing in space of 12 months. The industy and these awards really do show it no respect. Surely Denise Drysdale or any woman, will be inducted into Hall of Fame

  6. It’s just as well Sam Pang isn’t up for any awards given that he will be hosting. Andy Lee in the running for Gold has me asking has the hilarious Roy & HG Nelson won any Logies?
    The actor of Levi is Home & Away’s only nomination.
    How can The Yearly with Charlie Pickering, Carols By Candlelight and ABC’s New Years Eve broadcast receive nominations? Last years Carols was lacking the amazing Anthony Callea.

    1. there is no rule that Logies hosts can’t receive any awards. Bert Newton won a number of Gold Logies when he was hosting.

      The Cheap Seats is a big omission from the nominees list. Not aided by the fact that The Weekly and The Yearly take up 2 nomination slots when they are essentially the same program. Surely some critical oversight in putting the shortlist together could have avoided that?

      I don’t particularly mind that events like NYE or Carols get nominated but it is an equal contest when one-off events are up against actual series? Maybe they need a new category Best/Most Popular Special Event.

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