
Bumped: The Amazing Race. Airdate: Smash Lab

The Amazing Race will be moving timeslots on 7mate later this month.

The Amazing Race will be moving timeslots on 7mate later this month.

It is set to detour from Sundays to Wednesdays, beginning at 7:30pm Wednesday April 20.

Is Seven warming up the slot for where it may play The Amazing Race: Australia on Seven?

Gene Simmons Family Jewels will also make the move, to 8:30pm Wednesday April 20.

At 6:30pm Sunday April 17th 7mate will premiere Smash Lab followed by Mighty Structures.

Crash absorbing concrete is cement injected with air, and it is used to stop jet liners that overshoot their runway. Can it be used to stop an out of control car? The Smash Lab team has a few ideas they want to try and they have plenty of test cars to crash.

21 Responses

  1. This annoys me because I’d been watching it on Sundays but I can’t watch on Wednesday nights due to other commitments and I don’t have a HD compatible recorder to record 7Mate. I suppose its asking to much for it to move back to its original timeslot of Sundays and Seven channel

  2. No problems with the change really but why use this method of advising keen followers? I didn’t even know this site existed – surely the change could have been mentioned on the official Amazing Race website? Ummm, because they don’t really care about their viewers? I can’t even get 7mate on the NSW Central Coast, even with a digital TV, so now have to wait until Thursday 21st to catch up online. Poo, indeed!

  3. Really annoyed by this. Sundays suited me perfectly. I don’t see any need for it to be moved especially with all the advertising they did. Wednesdays its up against some tough competition especially when MasterChef returns.

  4. So were not geting a 48 hr fastrack , were getting a week and a half fastrack , I take back my first coment , which is the first on the page

  5. Yet another reason for sticking with Foxtel. Once a show starts, you know it’s gonna stay in the same spot till the end. I would have thought that having the extra channels, the commercial networks would show a bit more respect for their viewers – more fool me.

    Agree with Jake – Sunday morning on 7 main is fine with me – but can they be trusted to keep it there until the finale? Knowing 7 – I doubt it.

  6. They should move it to thursday nights like it was before. There is nothing to watch on a thursday night. 7 last year had a great thursday night line up. Hmmmm

  7. Considering that there is no new episode in the USA until April 10, it would have made more sense to move it to Wednesday nights that week. Then we would be only a few days behind instead of a week and a half.

  8. This annoys me because I’d been watching it on Sundays but I can’t watch on Wednesday nights due to other commitments and I don’t have a HD compatible recorder to record 7Mate. I suppose I’ll have to settle for delayed reruns on the main Seven channel.

  9. @ Kev, we will be a week and a half behind the US, I don’t mind it moving to 7.30 Wednesday’s, now the show wouldn’t clash with the twlight AFL match on Fox Sports on Sundays.

  10. Are they bringing the new episodes forward to Wednesday or delaying them until the following Wednesday? Either way, there’s gonna be a lot of nannas upset about losing their Wednesday night Heartbeat.

  11. yeah Jake I agree. Ive given up watching it it 6:30 because ive found it easier just to watch it on 7 in the mornings. I know its a week behind but im glad 7 are replaying them for people who dont have digital tv.

  12. There’s no episode in the US this weekend because of the Country Music Awards. So Seven actually have no episode to air on 10 April, unless CBS releases it ahead of the US broadcast.

    Assuming they won’t, this is going to be a strangely timed hiatus.

  13. I think the real reason for moving The Amazing Race is that it is taking viewers away from current affairs program Sunday Night which is screening at the same time (6.30pm Sundays). With ACA possibly given the 6.30pm timeslot permanently, SN needs all the viewers it can get to stay ahead of the competition. However, the move does mean that the remaining episodes of TAR will be repeated on Seven on Sunday mornings, 4 days after they first aired on 7mate.

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