
Focus, Believe, Achieve.. just not on this Race.

Determined competitors and Reality TV villains Joey and Richard have been sent packing from The Amazing Race Australia.

Their mantra had been “Focus, Believe, Achieve” but last night Joey and Richard failed to achieve a safe place in The Amazing Race Australia and were sent packing.

The Married Entrepreneurs had proven a volatile pair on the Race, with an unwavering determination and frosty relationship with teammates. But such teams become targets by their competitors and last night they were U-turned by another team after leaving Macau and heading to South Africa.

While their defeat may have generated cheers amongst the show’s fans, it is a blow to the conflict within the Race, given they were early villains. It follows favourites, Tracy and Anne-Marie being eliminated last week.

Once again Mos and Mo barely scraped into the last remaining place on the Race.

47 Responses

  1. I’m with PD. This isn’t news. You’ve done yourself a great disservice by persisting with this practice. Some of us are time poor and just can’t manage to catch these shows as they air. I’ve managed to avoid spoilers in the past by knowing which sites to avoid. This is now on the list. Good luck to those of you who have the time to watch it on the night. Other media sites manage to report this stuff without giving the outcome away in the title. Why can’t you? What’s your policy on reporting the outcome should the name of the eventual winners be leaked to the media?

  2. I wonder how long Richard and Joey were stuck in the mud.

    Really enjoying the Australian version. Just miss that 7 hasn’t been repeating the last couple of eps.

  3. @PD as others have commented, you know this site has such articles , yet you choose to still visit then complain.
    Your protest is kind of pointless.
    I am glad they came last but shame they were eliminated i would like the conflict between them and the other teams go on for a few more weeks.

  4. David,

    I think you should take off the option to put in their website address, if it’s possible to do so. Some people just came here to stir the pot and attract attention to themselves and (they’re hoping) their own blog/website, which is pathetic. It does nothing to contribute to healthy discussion on TV shows that your wonderful site offers.

  5. If I were Richard & Joey, I’d be frustrated by the producers of The Amazing Race Australia because of the way they were treated.

    They had a 4 hour lead on the second placed team and a 9 hour lead on Mo & Mos, which would’ve gone out to more at some stages because of Mo & Mos struggling on the boat to Hong Kong.

    You can’t tell me that there wasn’t a Single domestic flight for those 9 hours for Richard & Joey to get on and keep their lead. Yeah, you can say “It’s the Amazing Race, they always bring the teams back together”– well then don’t give them challenges where teams are abel to get 9 hours ahead of others.

    Even then– god only knows how long the producers made them wait before helping with tow the 4WD out, causing them to be even further behind the other teams.

    They Then got U-Turned, did the Other side of the task and was still able to almost catch Mo & Mos towards the end of that leg.

    It doesn’t matter how good Joey & Richard were/are, the producers wanted to eliminate them.

  6. PD: Eliminated contestants from TARA, DWTS and MasterChef have been all through News Ltd, Fairfax, Mediaweek, radio, morning TV and other online media this week, including in the headlines. Please keep up. Thx.

  7. Yippy, I’m so glad the focus monkeys have gone! I agree with other comments that Mo and Mos days are numbered, but at least they are fun to watch.

    And @PD – why do you insist on coming to this site every Tuesday morning to complain about spoilers. You are “spoiling” yourself – you know that David will publish an item, yet you continue to whinge and moan. And what is with the double standard of “at least MasterChef has the ratings to justify reporting each elimination”? That is just odd.

  8. Come on people, you know the policy on reporting the show’s outcome and you had your whinges last week already. If you don’t like it then come visit the site when it suits you and while you’re at it keep off any newspaper website or Twitter . FWIW, I missed last night’s episode and didn’t tape it so I’m at least grateful for the update here.

  9. These two never had a chance of winning the thing anyway. Surfers will most likely win, only people who can possibly beat them are the models or maybe the father and son.

  10. @PD: So wait, David Is allowed to “spoil” Masterchef episodes because it’s a more popular show? Wouldn’t that mean it spoils the surprise for more people? Strange logic. And after last week you had fair warning that the same would be the case this week! This is a TV news blog – their eviction is newsworthy.

  11. Come on people, when are you gonna learn what this site is about? if you don’t watch it “Live” and choose to record the program and watch it back when the time suits you then learn to steer clear of the internet until you have watched it, it’s that simple!

  12. Hooray. And right after they just shaved their heads lol. Can’t believe people like that actually exist. The way they talk is just rude and quite irritating

  13. With Richard & Joey gone the race is now really wide open, any of the teams left can win the race, I think Mos & Mo will be the next team to go, they are always finishing in the bottom of the pack.

  14. I hated them but they were good to watch as the “evil” characters. Afraid that the ratings will slide from here on in, with the rest of the teams made up of fairly boring and/or unlikeable (but not inherently evil) characters. Apart from the models…I could watch the shorter one of the pair run around the world all day.

  15. Finally, Gone! hopefully they both watched it back last night & realised that they were not u-turned as they were seen as a threat, rather that they were seen as horrible people. It’s one thing to focus, believe, achieve in working towards winning the race, however there’s a social element to the race which Richard & Joey just didn’t have. Perhaps if they’d been a little more pleasant to the other teams they would not have been u-turned….simple.

  16. Kyle and jacki O interview losing contestants on the Monday morning before the show has aired. They don’t say they’re the losers, but it’s clear by now that’s the pattern. I’m surprised 7 allow it; it ruins the suspense of the show.

  17. I’m always amazed by people who successfully apply these shows without having watched Lots of previous episodes so they have some idea of what to expect. It was blatantly obvious to any Race fan that these two had a massive target on their back due to their attitude. I’m sad to see them go at this early stage, however, as they were entertaining to watch. The mean part of me would have liked to see them come 3rd or 4th, ie close enough to winning that they got all cocky before being hit in the face that their strategy didn’t actually work to win them friends Or the Race.

  18. I will actually miss Joey and Richard. They were fun to watch. Dave and Kelly need to go, they annoy me. Mos and Mo shouldn’t be there after they gave up last week.

  19. Ha Ha, they were so focused they would have ran over their own mother for the prize. Whats best is she shaved her hair off for nothing…

  20. It’s hard to believe you feel this is news and not just spoilers, David

    Anybody who watched the show already knows who was eliminated, and anybody who didn’t watch the show has just had the ending of the episode spoiled for them. You’re just inviting the same complaints as last week by putting who was eliminated in the headline.

    I know your policy of “if it’s aired, it’s news” but giving away the ending of an episode of television isn’t news. If it was the finale it would be different and at least MasterChef has the ratings to justify reporting each elimination.

  21. Good bye. So sad! Not.

    We still have villains. Muscles and barbie! I think they’ll be around for longer. I think Mo and Mos will be next. They can’t really keep up the pace. They almost went out early in this one!

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