
Gone: Judge Judy

TEN has dropped afternoon favourite Judge Judy from the schedule from Monday, to be replaced with new episodes of Huey's Kitchen.

TEN has dropped afternoon favourite Judge Judy from the schedule from Monday, to be replaced with new episodes of Huey’s Kitchen.

It will be followed at 3:30pm with repeats of The Renovators. On the days when Renovators is a 30 minute replay it will play Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield at 4pm.

The Bold And The Beautiful airs at 4:30pm.

At this stage there is no rescheduling of Judge Judy.

82 Responses

  1. Absolutely gutted that they’ve taken her off the air. I’m fed up with Channel 10 trying to shove their new reality shows down our throats. . . No, I don’t want to watch The Renovators thank you very much. What a joke! Time to make a call to Progamming me thinks.

  2. I wish they put Swift Justice on Eleven and move Judge Judy there too. There are older episodes of Judge Judy on Foxtel -double episodes .that Channel Ten screened first.

  3. A terrible excuse and a bad one Channel 10.Yes we lost a few episodes here and there OF JJ for the Renovators but to totally drop that and put on a Cooking show nobody want’s to see is wrong.It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was a Jamie Oliver Show at 3pm in it’s place or why not move it to 4:30pm just before the News as a nice lead in rather than keeping on a soap so slow(Bold and the Beautiful)that not even the OC/90210 generation can’t even relate to.

  4. @MandyJ – now youre a true Judy fan lol
    @Maev – people go on there because the production company pays the parties the amount which they are asking for if they succeed. So the parties dont really ‘pay’ each other compensation, it is the show. So some people would want to humiliate themselves on international television so they get out of paying $5000 which they know they owe.

    This is really pathetic of ten, Judy is a staple of the days I have off from actual law school.

  5. As Judge Judy would say, this is baloney! I would rather watch Judge Judy than another damn cooking show where they show you how to heat up a Lean Cuisine. The show’s winding up anyway, couldn’t they just hold out til that happens?

  6. nooooo!!!! Why, Ten, why? Have you got your listening ears on? God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Please give me back my daily dose.

  7. Looks like I am the only dissenter here…..I really cannot stand the Judge Judy show….I fail to understand why people would want to put their personal business on TV?!?

  8. Thats F*****g shit what the hell is going on with Stupid channel 10, but maybe when the encore repeats of renovators is finished they will put Judge Judy back on, and a new timeslot of 3:30, now that would be much better than before.

    Huey’s Kitchen is Really Good though!

    The Main Shedule should be like this:

    3pm Judge Judy
    3:30 Two Guys and A Girl
    4pm Huey’s Kitchen
    4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful

  9. Wow, this has been on TEN since the late 1990’s! Hopefully it wont be long before it returns. It would be good to see it at 6pm again, as a news alternative.

  10. Not happy at all! I always found Huey annoying and was glad when his show was replaced with a few other cooking ones. To hear he’s back, let alone taking the place of one of my afternoon favourites has me fuming. First Video Hits being replaced with bad reality TV, and now this? Ten, ace it up!

  11. Argh, I’ve already expressed my anger over this! It doesn’t make sense. It rates well, yet it’s being removed. I’m not even in the show’s target demographic and I’m annoyed. They’ve been shortening most episodes over the past couple of weeks, so The Renovators can start on time, now it’s gone completely. Ten announced it was being removed “for now” after Friday’s episode, but a return date would’ve been good as well.

  12. Noooooo!!!!!

    Whenever I see the numbers for JJ, they seem consistently higher than other daytime regulars (dr Phil, Oprah, kak, etc etc) not to mention other programs networks are committed to (bolt report, insiders, etc etc)… David – any idea why?

    as jj would say: Ridiculous!

  13. Head scratchingly stupid decision Ten! JJ rates so well, and everytime it is dropped for an encore screening of a show that the network is desperate to beef up, there is a cacophony of protest. Very disapppointing, but then again all the networks repeatedly treat viewers this way, so no surprises. It’ll be back, for sure!

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