
Gone: Judge Judy

TEN has dropped afternoon favourite Judge Judy from the schedule from Monday, to be replaced with new episodes of Huey's Kitchen.

TEN has dropped afternoon favourite Judge Judy from the schedule from Monday, to be replaced with new episodes of Huey’s Kitchen.

It will be followed at 3:30pm with repeats of The Renovators. On the days when Renovators is a 30 minute replay it will play Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield at 4pm.

The Bold And The Beautiful airs at 4:30pm.

At this stage there is no rescheduling of Judge Judy.

82 Responses

  1. That is ridiculous!!! The only show I watch religiously and you axe it. I wont be watching channel ten at all. Cooking shows!!Yeah we need more of those!!! Not!! It was bad enough when you cut JJ short to allow the renovators rubbish more time…but this is ridiculous. Not happy TEN!!

  2. What is wrong with you Channel Ten? Go overseas and come back to no Judge Judy. How many cooking shows does one channel have to broadcast. Can’t believe you have taken off the only show I watch on your station during the day.

  3. I called Channel 10 programming and they were just like computers. They didn’t say anything but that it was a programming decision. And these programmers scratch their heads in wonder when more and more people are using BitTorrent to get their TV shows.

  4. Good on ya Channel 10 you get the goobie award of the millenium for dropping Judy. What moron decided this? Whoever it was they should be sacked. I’m just an ordinary stay @ home granny but I reckon I could channel 10 better than whomever is employed to do it. Please don’t tell me that they are being paid. Good God!!! Plus if we wanted to watch the renovators, hueys kitchen or what ever we’d all have a lobotomy!!!!!!!

  5. The question mark is who is really home to watch Judge Judy at 3pm other than people who work odd hours/days and the retired.Huey was the most off putting of all of 10’s Cooking Shows that’s not a competition or a British/American Import.As for Schofields cooking show haven’t seen it as yet as I am usually at work at 4pm or somewhere else.

  6. Congrats Ten.
    Nice to see you have joined the Nine lead and ignore the viewers.
    Judge Judy is a break from “repeats and another cooking show
    Judge Judy was an alternative – now I switch off the TV

    BTW, repeats of “reality shows” does not work and at the moment most of us
    suffer from “unrealistic home makeover shows”

    Diverse programming needed, not the same typeof shows repeated as nauseum.

  7. yes they should have put huey back on his original timeslot of 4pm and kept judge judy and dont have repeats of renovators if they must then put it on eleven huey rated well in his 4pm slot so why change it

  8. Really Bad Move channel 10, what the hell are you doing! Bring Back Judge Judy!! But Good Move by putting Huey;s Kitchen on!! What you bloody should of done is kept Judge Judy on and Bring Huey’s Kitchen and Two Guys And A Girl and Drop!!! repeats of renovators and mainly crappy show of Justine schofield Crap Food!!!

  9. Gone: Channel Ten.

    With such inane programming decisions like replacing well respected icons with mindless pap, viewers will continue replacing Ten with Seven, Nine etc… The TEN network only survives on advertising revenue which is primarily targeted at cashed-up kids, so don’t watch (or let them watch) any of Ten’s ads. Meanwhile let’s raise a bucket to the worst TV ‘chef’ in history and raise a pitchfork to Ten’s low-quality ‘reality’-TV sweatshop. Meh.

  10. I don’t always watch Judge Judy, but I thought that it always rated quite well for TEN. I like having the repeat episodes of The Renovators on at that time as it gives me something good to watch at that time. But I do agree that maybe they could put it on ONE. I would suggest ELEVEN but there seems no amount of whinging will get them to change up their love with block programming.

  11. I think it is a show that can do with being gone for a while. Certainly doesn’t deserve to have a permanent spot year round, that would be lazy programming. Whether it needs to be rested with food and or renovation encores is another story, but it certainly can be off for a time, and something other in it’s space.

  12. Congratulations Ten. Our household will now be watching a grand total of zero of your shows as Judge Judy was the only decent show you had left. At least that is one section of the TV guide we don’t have to bother looking at any more.

  13. Maybe they should put this Judge Judy on as a 6:30pm alternative to the current affairs shows that exist elsewhere.

    Whoever ditched Bart for George Negus when the latter was a 6pm show deserves to be written up big time and then sacked for good if nothing is done to improve what the under 50’s really want and that is a feel good cartoon not another Current Affairs Show.

  14. I’ve just read on the Huey’s Kitchen website that they are returning at the ‘temporary timeslot of 3pm’…..so it sounds like this is only until Renovators is over and then JJ will return as normal and Huey back to 4pm where he’s been for years

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