
Gone: Judge Judy

TEN has dropped afternoon favourite Judge Judy from the schedule from Monday, to be replaced with new episodes of Huey's Kitchen.

TEN has dropped afternoon favourite Judge Judy from the schedule from Monday, to be replaced with new episodes of Huey’s Kitchen.

It will be followed at 3:30pm with repeats of The Renovators. On the days when Renovators is a 30 minute replay it will play Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield at 4pm.

The Bold And The Beautiful airs at 4:30pm.

At this stage there is no rescheduling of Judge Judy.

82 Responses

  1. I’ve contributed my lament to this discussion (Aug 29) but it’s only just occurred to me that beyond mutually consoling each other, little else may be gained. Does anyone know whether this sort of feedback actually gets back to “those that matter” at Channel Ten? They seem largely insulated from and out of touch with the views of the viewing public. Or is it that they know what the public enjoys, and we are just such a very small, and insignificant part of the viewing public that they can just ignore us?

  2. Judge Judy is a breath of fresh air, this irreverant, no-holes barred, smart and
    gutsy Jewish humour is seen nowhere else on tv, anywhere. There are so many levels of extreme American behaviour (of course ‘extreme’ is generally chosen by the producers), from exotic interpersonal unreasonableness, greed, disloyalty, bizarre partnering and cruelty to animals (when JJ shows her true colours as animal lover)
    all of which are actual cases, and give an insight into a landscape of often wild ‘otherness’. We who love this character and the little bit of voyerism we enjoyed
    so much have little else to watch on channel 10 and have moved on. I loved the Jerry Springer Show, which was several notches up on the extreme psychological chart because it was so wonderfully mad. I don’t know who else enjoyed the Springer show (or who would admit to it) but I’m sure it wasn’t just me:-} I have worked in tv peoduction both here and overseas and no-holes-barred can be really liberating for the innocent. I agree, Ten’s programming is
    bland and boring!

  3. Channel 10 had got so bad that the only time I ever switched to it was to watch Judge Judy. Now, clearly, I won’t be watching Ten at all. Whoever does their programming is either in touch with the tastes of the viewing public, and I’m just part of a minority, or they just really don’t care, and I’m part of a majority who have are are in the process of abandoning Ten.

  4. I can’t believe 10 has axed Judge Judy… It was my favourite show – and always has been… I used to always make sure I got home in time for “The Judge”….
    and replaced it with Huey 🙁
    I can’t stand the inane way he chuckles during everything he says… not funny At all, and still chuckling like a squeeling pig.

  5. So disappointed Judge Judy is no longer on 10 – it was my half hour break in the day. I always recorded it in case I was held up and unable to get home in time and then watched it as soon as I got home. Please bring it back.

  6. Seriously, How could you Channel TEN! We don’t like repeats of reality shows and we don’t like 3 hours of cooking shows! So disappointed at Ten.I’m not liking the new channel ten, seemed to be a lot better before someone bought a huge stake in the company last year.

  7. Shame on you Ten, so when did you actually lose touch with your viewers ? I just dont get it. I for one have not had channel 10 on since you decided to ignore what your viewers wanted………..take the hit on Renovaters, stop crying in your soup bowl and move forward. If you put JJ back on I may consider you again.

  8. I refuse to watch channel 10 until Judge Judy returns! Channel 10 is a joke. Is this a Lachlan Murdoch stupid decision?? I suspect it is. Huey is boring and renovators is a joke, that is why it does not rate.

  9. Disappointed in Ten’s programming decision … a great show replaced by Huey (who I used to like but he has definiteyl lost his mojo) and renovators ( I have yet to talk with a person who ever enjoyed this show at all!). Speechless in WA!

  10. I don’t know why Judge Judy was discontinued. That
    is the best show ever channel ten has got. Sorry, but
    I don’t like watching The Renovators or Huey’s Cooking

  11. Oh No!! I recorded this show everyday and now I am off work with a bad injury judy was a bright spot in my day. Grrrr 10 – repeats of the renovators are useless. I want my judy fix. I am glad to see Huey back but why can’t he be on at 3.30.

  12. What the …. ? I love Judge Judy have been recording for years. Enjoyed watching it when i got home instead of the soapies for teens that don’t interest me. I don’t want to watch a repeat/encore of a show that i didn’t want to watch in prime time. Huey’s OK but not to replace Judy. I thought it was just a season break but since i found this site realised its off for good. Obviously “the people” don’t agree with the decision so would the decision makers take on board what “the people” actually want.

  13. The Renovaters bombed in the ratings, so what do they do? they take off a ratings winner “Judge Judy” and keep repeats of the Renovaters? Where’s the logic? free to air tv is going backwards fast, no wonder more people are getting pay tv, so we don’t have to put up with incompetent tv stations like 10 who ignore their viewers and shove crappy renovation shows down our throat which no one is even watching in the first place.

  14. Channel TEN you have lost me as a viewer until you bring back Judge Judy !! I will boycott All of your shows !! Listen to your viewers – too many cooking shows and they are all too similar – Boring!!

  15. Wow…can’t believe judge judy isn’t on anymore,thought she was picked up thru thru yr 2015? Well good luck cuz noone is happy and channel 5 will pay when people cancel their tv. I have dish but only watch local channels. I have been home with my kids and that is the only show I watch besides news.now ill just continue to exercise and not watch anything! Can’t u people see we love jj!!!! Ring her bk she is the highlight of our day we pay we should get what we want! She has the viewers so that’s not it its the stations and their slots of time. Shame on u! What’s next no news till midnight! Weather forcast the day after the tornado hits!

  16. The only show I watch during the day is Judge Judy. First they cut it short to put a repeat on of The Renovators, then they axe it all together. My TV stays off now. I’m so peeved!!!! Channel 10, you suck!

  17. I can’t believe they have dumped Judge Judy. I have been a stay at home Dad for eight years, and Judge Judy has been a part of my daily routine for a good part of it. I run a home brew Tivo style application called Mythtv and had about a 15 episode buffer recorded, so didn’t even know Judge Judy was off the air till I was down to the last one. Needless to say, I hate Tens attitude to its viewers. Apart from Talking About My Generation, I don’t watch one other show on TEN. I won’t be watching any other shows.

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