
Doug Anderson signs off

TV Critic Doug Anderson departs the Sydney Morning Herald after 30 years.

A number of media writers have quietly moved on from their positions recently, as the print industry realigns itself (and that’s putting it nicely) to the digital age.

But none have the 30 years of Doug Anderson with the Sydney Morning Herald.

Anderson had his final day on Friday and bid farewell to readers with his last Ask Doug column.

“It has been fun, challenging, frustrating and a privilege being the go-between connecting generous readers – motivated by a desire to share their pleasures and their treasures – with counterparts seeking to revisit the back stalls of their memories,” he wrote.

He was joined by Michael Idato and Greg Hassall in a last Guide video, in which he names some of his favourite shows across the years.

Video: Sydney Morning Herald

6 Responses

  1. I remember years ago reading an Anderson review of some show for the first time and thinking “What the hell?” Pretty much staple reading from that point on. Great acerbic reviews and humour. Well done Doug!

  2. So many Fairfax columnists signing off – ‘this is my last column” etc, with no explanation. The Saturday gardening lady in The Age signed off yesterday, we assume not voluntarily.

    It’s sad times.

  3. Any person who passed off a publicity shot of Princess Panda as himself for as long as Doug did is pure genius.

    I will miss his delicious sense of humour which flowed freely through his movie reviews in the Guide.

    Take care, friend.

  4. Wow that is the end of an era – a great one – an impassioned and entertaining writer with a most distinctive style – he is quite a character. I hope he keeps writing elsewhere.

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