ASTRA Awards 2013: Random acts of Carpet-ness
The ASTRAs red carpet isn't quite as frenzied as Logies mayhem, but here are some of their eclectic quotes...
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Subscription, Top Stories
Thursday night’s 11th Annual ASTRA Awards attracted seasoned and emerging performers from the small screen, and even some kid’s TV characters and a True Blood hunk.
The ASTRAs red carpet isn’t quite as frenzied as Logies mayhem, but it’s now tradition at TV Tonight to bring you some of their eclectic quotes (and I’ve got a few more to break out as stand-alone yarns shortly).
BILL COLLINS on the secret of movie reviews.
“Sometimes there are things to be said that I think make it more interesting. But I’ve always said that I never tell them the butler did it. That’s the secret. I don’t give things away and I try to tell the story.
“I don’t like the new trailers. The old ones were much more subtle and cleverer.”
LUKE and WYATT on whether they aspire to TV outside of Kid’s Television?
WYATT “At the moment Nickelodeon is such a good fit for us because they’ve evolved with us but we have a lot of ambitions about creating TV rather than just being the basis of stuff. So actually working in quite a few projects where we’re more integral in the creative.”
LUKE “The way that Hamish and Andy create their shows, we’re really conscious to that sort of stuff.”
WYATT “When Camp Orange got nominated I was like ‘Oh yeah.’ But when Slimefest was nominated I was so proud because we were the anchors, but in every other show we were a feature.”
LUKE “Also the election is coming up so we feel like we’re going to do well and Slime is our main policy.
“But the diplomatically mathematic answer is we have open eyes and minds for working on lots of different things without stepping on toes.”
PAUL WEST on making River Cottage Australia.
“It was quite intimidating from the outset realising that I was the first person to host the show other than Hugh (Fearnley-Whittingstall) himself. Luckily there was the handover between me and him.
“Australians being Australians, I think now they’ve seen it with an Aussie host they enjoy it a little bit more. I think maybe I’ve converted a few of Hugh’s fans!
“It films itself really. We have camera guys who have worked on a lot of Reality shows standing there all day and then they come down here and foam at the mouth at all the angles they can get.
“They’re looking at a second season. Nothing in the bag yet but fingers crossed.”
ANTHONY PUHARICH on whether Ask the Butcher will return.
“Nothing’s been confirmed but I’d give it another bash for sure. Any opportunity to spread the gospel of meat is a good one for me!
“I still pinch myself that Foxtel woke up one morning and said there was an opportunity to do a show about meat. Certainly chefs and cooks get the spotlight put on them but it was an awesome opportunity to travel around and see the real beauty and some of the hardships these producers and farmers go through. It was a phenomenal experience.”
JUSTINE CLARKE and EVA LAZZARO on why there is no more Tangle.
JUSTINE CLARKE “I get asked a lot by mothers at my concerts. They’re always asking for more.
“I think probably the writers were hoping there was going to be another one so maybe they didn’t want to wrap it up in case they went ahead with it.”
EVA LAZZARO “It was all so messy by the end that having a proper conclusion would have seemed kind of incongruous.
JUSTINE CLARKE “There was no way any of those characters were going to end up happy.”
KEIYNAN LONSDALE on juggling MTV and Dance Academy.
“Coming from Season Two as a guest role to a regular character was a very humbling experience. It was a crazy schedule trying to juggle it with MTV. It was a bit full on but I loved it.
“But the happiest I was was going from the MTV office to Dance Academy. I like to keep busy in all areas of the performing arts.”
SHAYNNA BLAZE on the differences in filming Selling Houses Australia vs The Block (and who will win).
“Selling Houses has one camera so it’s a lot more intimate, whereas The Block has an editing booth, lots of producers and directors.
“Ours is very small and simple but The Block is absolutely massive. A well oiled machine. And with Selling Houses 80% of the people have been on the show right from the beginning.
“It’s really hard to pick a (Block) winner because of the different levels and what they offer, but I would like to see the girls do really well. And I think Bec and George should do really well.”
MEGAN GALE on whether there will be more Project Runway Australia.
“I certainly hope so because I loved doing that show. We had an interesting year last year, not our normal schedule because of the Olympics.
“Normally we shoot January – March and it would air July – September.
“Foxtel have said they don’t want to put it at the end of the year but Alex Perry is busy with Australia’s Next Top Model.
“So resting it was the easier and more appropriate thing to do, focusing on making it bigger and better and taking it from there.
“But I’m talking to Foxtel about potentially another show which I can’t say too much about. My intention it to stay with the Foxtel family, I love working with them.”
MARTY SMILEY on being the newest member of The Riff.
“I’ve been blessed with the fact they’ve taken me under their wing and guided me this year. Sometimes their advice is good but often it’s bad and it’s gotten me into trouble.”
CHIT CHAT on Great Music Cities of the World
“It was a lot of work: 210 interviews! 18 months of interviews and I didn’t see my daughter growing up. But other than that it was the coolest thing I’ve ever done!
“But if I can bribe my boss with a whole lot of cocaine, maybe series 2! There’s also a book coming called Musical Oddities.”