Update: Big Brother
Friday's Big Brother replaced by Big Bang repeats.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Big Brother appears to be an on-again / off-again prospect for Friday nights.
It was out last week, but still in the schedule for this week -until now.
Nine has opted not to proceed again this week, now scheduling two episodes of -you guessed it- The Big Bang Theory. Getting the Big Bang repeat card is usually Nine-speak for the chopping block.
At this rate the prospects for 2015 do not look encouraging despite the network’s line that it has been performing in its younger demos. The show has always been good value for money but with at least two hours out of the schedule, including Sundays, that increases the costs per hour.
Tonight the show will potentially evict both Aisha and Travis who will pocket $50,000 if they decide to go.
I’d still like to see an older cat thrown amongst these younger pigeons to create some conflict and challenge their Gen Y ways.
While the view may be that older contestants don’t actually win the show (not true of 2008), they would still stay a minimum of 2 weeks under present conditions. The show has gained nothing from throwing in Intruder Marina.
Time to shake things up. What have they got to lose?
- Tagged with Big Brother, The Big Bang Theory
12 Responses
We seem to be left with mostly dull housemates now … and if Travis goes … there will be very little reason to watch.
Absolutely we need an older housemate or two, who can’t be evicted for 4 weeks to give them a chance of really making an impact!!!
Even Lawson’s immature behaviour is starting to grate on me! Thank god I can fast forward through it all!
Or a celebrity guest every Friday … (real celebritites, not Mark Holden)… would make for interesting end of week viewing!
This is the first ever season of Big Brother that I haven’t bothered watching after past the first two weeks. Late night screenings and the constant chop and change have made it difficult for me to stay interested.
Totally agree with David that Marina has added nothing to the show. Ned and Kelly get more camera time and not surprisingly are more interesting to watch!
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy????? I want more bb, not Big Bang crap. Argh,
Stop treating like us loyal bb fans like crap. Give us what we want.
Plus why repeats??? Surely Cld have put a new comedy in there like two broke girls or mike and Molly or something.
Stupid ch9.
Show is still scheduled for October 31 (but so was 24).
I agree!!!
I really think the reason it’d not rating as well as they’d like is because they aren’t giving the fans anything extra. The BB facebook stream is an absolute joke! a couple of days ago they posted a bit from a story line that happened over a week beforehand?
If there was live stream, or even just the live(ish) updates then there would be more buy-in from the hardcore fans.
They have mishandled BB on nine and this year is the worst.
Online content is probably the lowest it has ever been for the show. Not even updates? How are they expecting to use social media to built interest when the only things posted are from episodes already aired?
Recently though, they teased the Cat / Lawson kiss and it exploded on social media.
They failed in this.
They failed in still trying to pretend it’s a family friendly show.
They have too many gimmicks and the editing of what’s going on in the house has been appalling.
I will miss the show if this means the end of BB on TV.
Ten need it back, they know what they’re doing with it. Nine have botched it with not only less airtime and inconsistent timeslots, but critically they have less online streaming/updates/interactions in 2014 than Ten provided back in the mid 2000s!
I shan’t miss it.
I hope Ten buy it back they no how to do BB right. Nine have destroyed it this year with no live updates or anything, it’s just not BB anymore :(
Great idea to throw in a more” mature aged “contestant or two.
Perhaps Mark Holden in his clown suit.
That would certainly liven things up a bit.: )
I’m sure he would be up for it and it would lift the ratings if only briefly.
Nine could probably get similar ratings and demos to Big Brother from Big Bang repeats at 7.30, so for that reason I doubt it will be renewed next year.