
What’s the Catch?: Nov 6

No thugs in the scallop industry here, but there are sharks in them there waters.

2014-11-04_2158It was Rex Hunt who phrased the term “thugs in the scallop industry,” later used with derision by Tony Martin.

No scallops in sight on SBS series What’s the Catch? with Matthew Evans but it does reveal the complex truth behind Australia’s seafood. Dizzying stuff, folks!

Episode Two: “Sharks”
Not everyone knows that when we order flake and chips, we are actually eating shark. The problem is no one knows what species it is, so we could be eating an endangered species on a Friday night without knowing it. Matthew decides that until we get better seafood labelling we should swap out flake for other more sustainable alternatives.

Thursday, 6 November at 8.30pm on SBS ONE.

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