
HBO slaps Twitter over Periscope streaming Game of Thrones

"We are aware of Periscope and have sent takedown notices," HBO says after live streaming of the GoT premiere.


The excitement of Game of Thrones premiere continues to generate media reaction, including a takedown notice from HBO to Twitter after some users live streamed the episode on their new video-sharing tool, Periscope.

“We are aware of Periscope and have sent takedown notices,” an HBO spokeswoman said in a statement. “In general, we feel developers should have tools which proactively prevent mass copyright infringement from occurring on their apps and not be solely reliant upon notifications.”

Periscope notes in its terms of service that it does not support copyright infringement, but currently relies on reports from users alerting the company to the infringement.

“We respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect Periscope users to do the same,” the TOS read. “We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law and are properly provided to us.”

Mumbrella first reported the live streaming via Aussie Periscope users this week.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

3 Responses

  1. Having the tools to pro-actively remove copyrighted material automatically is expensive as anything, let alone inacurate (Just look at YouTube!)

    1. Oh and just to clarify my previous comment, whilst I know some one like Twitter could probably afford it, HBO wants all “developers” to use said tools and not all developers have heaps of money.

  2. Legally they are only required to take stuff down when notified. /they can’t take down stuff before it’s uploaded and its known to be a copyright violation.

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