
Two sides to Bachelorette story

Rumours abound on what went down between TEN reality stars in the US.

Upcoming Bachelorette Ali Oetjen has been copping bad press ahead of her TEN series, after Bachelor in Paradise contestant, American Grant Kemp, accused her of “hooking up” with one of his friends.

On the series finale a closing sequence noted Ali went to the US to try and make her relationship work, but it did not work out due to the long distance involved.

But Kemp told News Corp, “I have a witness that walked into my house with me and saw what happened as well.”

Friend, Sabrina Jaragosky-Hicks also confirmed that she witnessed Ali “hooking up” with one of his friends. A Daily Mail report was much more explicit.

A TEN spokesperson said there’s “two sides to the story of why they broke up” and Ali left the show committed to developing the relationship.

“However, this is a private matter and Ali will not be commenting on the misleading claims being made by other parties or the false rumours that are being spread.”

The Bachelorette is due later this year.


4 Responses

  1. I hope they replace her – not because of this scandal, but because she just seemed really dull on Bachelor In Paradise… After the excitement of last year, I was hoping for more than an old contestant

    1. I agree Beckala, I found her screen presence as boring as hell. So replace her. However if any of the salacious media rumours were true, and aspects of it came into the show, well that would certainly grab my interest.

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