
Vera battles Trial by Kyle, Seven wins Thursday

Ratings: Thursday was such a low rating night even the OzTAM numbers were sluggish today... (updated).

Thursday was another low rating night.

The Bachelorette won its slot with 624,000 then an extended Home and Away (507,000 from 7pm), 7:30 (473,000), Escape from the City (459,000 from 8pm) and RBT (440,000).

Vera (366,000 from 9pm won by just 3,000 viewers over 8:30 shows Trial by Kyle (363,000) then Love Island (298,000).

Seven network won Thursday with 29.5% then Nine 25.2%, 10 19.3%, ABC 18.5% and SBS 7.4%.

Seven News (868,000 / 830,00) was #1 for Seven. The Chase drew 491,000 / 330,000 for Seven. Movie: Skull Island drew 260,000.

Nine News was best for Nine at 707,000 / 705,000 then A Current Affair (594,000). Hot Seat was 411,000 / 246,000. Movie: Trainwreck drew just 145,000.

The Project pulled 395,000 / 236,000 for 10. 10 News First was 312,000 then Celebrity Name Game just 152,000 and a replay of One Born Every Minute (141,000).

ABC News (584,000), Sammy J (236,000) and The Drum (147,000) comprised ABC’s night.

On SBS it was David Attenborough: India’s Wild Eden (210,000), Ainsley’s Australian Market Menu (128,000), SBS World News (126,000), and The Name of the Rose just 72,000.

7TWO’s Father Brown led multichannels at 155,000.

The Morning Show: 113,000 / 77,000
Today Extra: 73,000 / 58,000
Studio 10: 58,000 / 55,000 /

OzTAM Overnights: Thursday 24 October 2019


36 Responses

  1. Watched David Attenborough’s “India’s Wild Eden” on SBS for a bit, tried to look up how recent the series was out of curiosity, and found almost nothing about it on the Internet. It took me quite a while to discover that the actual name of the show is “Wild Karnataka”! For some reason SBS ran with a completely different name to the show’s actual name.

  2. TEN have a problem if Kyle can’t beat the umteenth repeat of Vera from 2012.
    Perhaps, as Gaz suggested, a Beauty and the Beast revival with some outspoken beauties is the way to go. There’s always “Kyle on Religion”.

  3. Great numbers for Celebrity Name, I think that Pointless got more. 10 really have to address the problem with this game show.. My solution would be to axe it and start the Project earlier and steal a March on the shows that start at 7.30, could backfire though. I like the ABC news.

  4. Apologies for a few mistakes this morn… I was attending Wentworth press event and the last thing I needed was OzTAM to be late (yep first world problems)! It was all a bit frantic, hopefully now sorted.

  5. I can’t believe how they are pushing this guy after his appalling comments on radio.I wouldn’t watch purely on the way he conducted himself with a child and her mother on radio.Media Watch gave a good summery on him the other night. I’m aware I sound so old writing this (I’m not really), but Its a trash line in sand I can’t cross and I watch and love a lot of trashy telly.

  6. Just FYI u said Said “Seven network won Wednesday with 29.5% then Seven 25.2%“
    I think there are 2 Mistakes
    1. It was Thursday
    2. I think it should be “then Nine 25.2%”

  7. I enjoyed Trial By Kyle…light fun….and I am not a fan of Kyle’s by any stretch…It was better than the pilot…..I am surprised anyone would think it was going to be serious ⁉

    1. Last year in my review I wrote “Kyle is actually the best thing in this very silly show” and 10 were going to use it in promo. My view hasn’t changed… he’s entertaining if you don’t take any of it seriously.

  8. Hopefully Trial By Kyle’s numbers will drop…

    I’m surprised at the low ratings for Love Island – I’m a school teacher and all of the kids are talking about it (high school).

  9. Dare I say I was looking forward to Trial by Kyle, but was left bemused. It’s a poor man’s Jerry Springer ! Absolute rot, not funny, surely not real, and I don’t suppose I’ll ever get that 25 minutes back, because that’s how long I lasted. I really like Kyle, but not this show. He’d be suited ad a Beast with a panel of Beauties, a show long overdue for an umpteenth return.

          1. Disagree Poida, I dont buy these magazines but have seen Kyle on my screens and radio from my teen years. You dont have to buy trash magazines to see his cockiness. The Project the other night had him and he was rude, disrespectful and so arrogant I was still left shocked knowing his personality. He is a love or hate personality and most hate him from what he says and the way he behaves.

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