
Gino D’Acampo quits Gordon, Gino & Fred: Road Trip

Chef would “rather have the friendship than get into arguments, so I’ve decided not to do Gordon, Gino and Fred anymore”.

Italian TV chef has quit Gordon, Gino & Fred: Road Trip after three series and three Christmas specials.

In an Instagram post he said his decision was driven by a desire to protect his friendships with both Gordon Ramsay and Fred Sirieix.

According to D’Acampo, his hand was forced by scheduling conflicts caused by production, which has caused “complications”.

“Last week, I decided not to film any more Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip,” he said. “The reason is simple… nothing to do with Gordon and Fred – the friendship is very strong – it’s just because we can’t get the dates together.”

The chef went on to say he would “rather (have) the friendship than get into arguments, so I’ve decided not to do Gordon, Gino and Fred anymore”.

“I want to be friends with the boys for many many years,” he continued, stating: “So that’s it, really. Thank you for watching the show.”

A fourth series has been filmed, and will be broadcast internationally later this year.

Gordon, Gino & Fred: Road Trip, which is produced by Ramsay’s production company Studio Ramsay, screens in Australia on Seven.

Source: Independent

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