SKY News: Fadden By-Election
Andrew Clennell will host rolling coverage of Qld By-Election on Saturday night.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Subscription
SKY News will have rolling coverage of the Fadden By-Election coverage from 7.00pm AEST tomorrow.
Political Editor Andrew Clennell will host with panellists to include Federal Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management and Queensland Labor Senator Murray Watt, Liberal National Party Queensland Senator James McGrath, Liberal National Party MP for the Gold Coast seat of McPherson and former Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews, and Assistant Education Minister and Queensland Labor Senator Anthony Chisholm.
Chief Election Analyst Tom Connell will break down the data while Queensland Bureau Chief Adam Walters reports live from Labor HQ, and Brisbane reporter Lucy Gray from Liberal HQ.
The critical by-election battle for the Federal seat of Fadden on Queensland’s Gold Coast heats up tomorrow as Liberal National Party candidate Cameron Caldwell goes up against Labor contender Letitia Del Fabbro.
A must-hold seat for the Coalition after their defeat in the Aston by-election in April, the LNP’s 10.6% margin has Caldwell considered a favourite to win.
But the damaging findings from the Robodebt Royal Commission against outgoing Fadden LNP MP Stuart Robert could cost the Coalition votes, and Labor will be looking for a swing towards the Government in this important contest.
7pm AEST Saturday on SKY News.
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