
Adam Hills: The Last Leg: Nov 28

Guests: Katherine Ryan, Nabil Abdul Rashid and Martin Lewis.

This week on Adam Hills: The Last Leg

Fast-tracked from the UK, Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe & Alex Brooker are joined by comedians Katherine Ryan, Nabil Abdul Rashid & TV presenter Martin Lewis for an entertaining, off-beat lookat the big events of the past week.

8:30pm tonight on ABC TV Plus.

6 Responses

  1. I saw a promo for The Last Leg and on the desk, there was the pride flag redesign with the racial stripes. It made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. It pigeonholes people into a skin colour only. I’d be totally fine with the other pride flags without the racial stripes. It’s like, you’re this, you’re oppressed and you’re a victim. That mindset, I think needs to be overcome. That’s the way to liberate.

    I’ve mentioned before that due to the political leanings, it potentially alienates a lot of potential viewers. Channels want to maximise their audiences after all.

      1. Okay, I see. And after some further research, the brown stripe is symbolic of the diversity of various ethnicities. It’s symbolic and not literal. It’s good to hear as many opinions on a topic as possible to gain understanding.

        My point that I’d share is that not all people from different ethnic backgrounds or heritage will see themselves as oppressed or needing liberation. Even in many conservative electorates nowadays, there are LGBT+ people living and working successfully without oppression or need for liberation anymore.

        1. My local electorate have had a Fringe Festival for the last 3 weeks…culminating in a concert with Maria Hines, Darryl Braithwaite and many others on this weekend..last Sunday with the support of local businesses and councils members they had a Pride March to support the LGBTAG+ community…it caused strong opposition from the conservative community whereby the flyers we “doctored” to make the gay community look like perverts and pedos…the group demonstrated, verbally abused those taking part…put up several Facebook pages calling it “Wynnum Cringe” they even have a YouTube channel opposing it…the ensuing “chaos” ended up on Nine News here in Brisbane…(some bright spark decided to “moon” in protest) getting caught on camera by the crew from channel Nine..the police were in attendance too…but they were great about it..even letting dykes on bikes rev and ride their bikes along the foreshore in support…this just proves not all in conservative communities are living and working successfully.

          1. I said many electorates, not all. It happens in left-wing electorates too, where there were comments by Labor politicians, like Daniel Repacholi and Michael Daley that were reported by ABC News. Daley’s comments would have been broadcast on many news shows. Not all left-wing electorates are harmonious either.

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