
Airdate: Secret Science

In the first episode of ABC's new seven part series Myf Warhurst is on a mission to find out how to get more joy in our lives.

ABC’s new seven part series Secret Science explores a range of topics suchas how men can improve their sperm count, how we can all improve our capacity to learn – as well as ways we can exploit our emotions.

Episode One: Joy
Of the six core emotions that humans feel, Joy is probably our favourite.

So, what can we do to get more joy in our lives? Myf Warhurst is on a mission to find out. When it comes to human emotions, we all think we understand them well, right? But as Myf discovers, they’re not as simple as they seem.

At a children’s birthday party where joy is visible on all the kid’s faces, Myf learns that our capacity to feel joy in adult life is determined in our childhood – creating a set point that we return to after both great lows and great highs. So, for those with a low set point, the good news is that there is a way to move the needle… One way is to give more.

In Brisbane, Myf joins charity group Hair Aid who provide free haircuts to the homeless. Hairdresser, Kerrie, who altruistically gives her time and skills says that she feels as much joy as the recipients of the haircuts. Research also shows that people who place a lot of value on pursuing joy are often, paradoxically, more depressed.

In fact, sometimes our more unpleasant experiences can lead to a greater sense of joy. Myf heads to Noosa to meet some locals in their Golden Years. Their bodies and minds are slowing down, surely there’s less to be joyful about? Well, research shows when you look at happiness across the lifespan, there is a peak with young people and a peak in older age – which is referred to as the U Bend of Happiness.

So that’s something to be joyful about.

9pm Tuesday on ABC.

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