Secret Science: May 28
Ep 2 centres around Anger, and the thin line separating its destructive power and the constructive anger that motivates change.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Episode two of ABC series Secret Science centres around Anger, and the thin line separating its destructive power and the constructive anger that motivates change.
Anger. This formidable emotion is often perceived as a menace, an uncontrollable force of destruction. It clouds our judgement and fuels reactions that we might later regret. But is anger really all that bad?
Myf Warhurst looks at anger through a different lens to uncover its full potential. To see its raw power, Myf meets some of the angriest members of society. Toddlers! As their brains develop, most will be able to keep their anger in check, but for some people, it’s a life-long battle.
Michael Aicholzer spent half of his life consumed by anger. When he realised the destructive impact it was having, he sought help. Now he teaches young men how to deal with their anger. As Myf discovers, anger can be used as an incredible tool for positive gain. From protesters channelling their collective anger to seek political change, to athletes using it to give them superhuman strength.
Most of us are not going to the extremes of a strongman event to release our frustrations. So what options are available to us? In the ‘70s Primal Therapy was all the rage. A way to shout and scream ones anger out. More recently, ‘smash rooms’ are used to take our frustrations out on inanimate objects. While Myf destroys a car with a sledgehammer, she discovers that it’s not helping her at all. So, what does work?
The answer is head into nature. That sounds like common sense but Myf discovers that there’s a scientific reason why it works and it’s due to something called phytoncides. With insights from neuroscientists, psychologists and those with personal stories, Myf illuminates the science of anger.
Tuesday 28 May at 9pm on ABC.
- Tagged with Secret Science