
Rumours of staff cuts ahead at Nine

New speculation that redundancies may be coming in Nine's broadcast division.

A report has emerged today suggesting Nine could be looking at ‘significant planned redundancies in its broadcast division.’

An unnamed Nine source told Crikey there was “huge cost cutting” ahead but that the company was hoping to avoid making cuts to news programs.

It comes as a punishing ad market is biting networks with Nine’s net profiting falling 40% in its recent half-yearly results and steep expenses for the Olympics, some of which it will recoup in ad sales.

A Nine spokesperson  responded to the speculation stating, “As change occurs in the media industry, we are always evolving to best meet the needs of our business in order to remain the market leader.”

This week ‘s Sunday Telegraph also reported Olympians, from Ian Thorpe to Andrew Gaze and Stephanie Rice, are being paid ‘bloated salaries’ to feature on Stan’s coverage of the upcoming Olympics while the usual Nine commentary crew were offered ‘peanuts’ in comparison and won’t be remotely close to where the action is unfolding in Paris.

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