
Seven boards Singapore Airlines turbulence doco

Turbulence: How Safe is Your Flight? will use minute-by-minute analysis of flight SQ321 last month.

Seven has boarded a documentary following the recent Singapore Airlines turbulence.

Turbulence: How Safe is Your Flight? has landed investment from ITV (UK), Seven (Australia), WELT (Germany), TV4 (Sweden), MTV (Finland), TV2 (Denmark), RTL (Netherlands), DPG (Belgium), RTS (Switzerland) and SRL DA (worldwide).

The doco uses minute-by-minute analysis of flight SQ321 to examine the science of turbulence – exploring its causes, effects, and implications, what pilots can do to avoid it and whether this is a result of climate change.

Featuring exclusive interviews with passengers, pilots and air crew, the documentary provides an account of how pilots and aircraft deal with mid-flight challenges caused by turbulence.

A British man died from a suspected heart attack onboard after severe turbulence on the flight.

Source: Deadline

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