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1,812 Responses

  1. I apologise cos I’m about to stink up the lounge by talking about The Idol. You can throw its carcass on the ‘23 scrap heap along with Black Snow (Stan), Velma (Binge), Mrs. Davis (Binge), Gossip Girl S2 (Binge) and Up Here (Disney+) to create quite the mound of trash.
    Its a weird one because it was never boring.. the production values and the actors were all first class (just no decent material), the music was not to my taste but fit the feel of the show (I also realised that basically the entirety of the show took place in one location)… it has a lot going right for it… it was just the most self absorbed, basic piece of high end TV I’ve seen in quite some time. What was the point of any of it? I clearly have missed what the creators were trying to do and say with this piece of s**t. It’s a different kind of crap compared to those other shows I listed… what an atrociously jarring vanity project this was for the Weeknd… Who btw was far and away the worst thing about it. Any thoughts?

    1. @troy_story I have not read one good review of The Idol anywhere, the promos were enough for me and together with David’s view on it I chose not to watch it and am now very glad I didn’t. I was really looking forward to Mrs Davis and all it did was confuse the hell out of me…..so disappointing. However I actually liked Black Snow ! Go figure 🙂

  2. Have been watching the american version of Shark Tank for a while now. I notice like a lot of reality shows they have a “bad guy” shark (Kevin). With the australian Shark Tank I don’t think they had a bad guy maybe this is why it did not take off.

  3. Free to air TV. Channel 10.Saturday and Sunday. On both days from about 8.am till 5.pm there was nothing to watch except cooking shows and a couple of travel shows. Very boring!

    1. I kind of agree to a point, as Saturday morning Tv hasn’t been the same since things like: The Thunderbirds, Hey Hey, It’s a Knockout, Saved by the Bell and Sounds et al left our screens…

  4. Mega fortnight of sport, mostly on Nine (Wimbledon, Ashes, State of Origin, AFL, NRL, Tour de France, Women’s Ashes, Women’s Origin, Rugby Championship to name some)!

    And another ridiculous article from Annette Sharp in Daily Telegraph overnight, suggesting Nine’s sport stable isn’t up to scratch and the like with Paris 2024 Olympics around the corner (she seems to dislike anything to do with Melbourne as well). They’ll surely use James Bracey, Roz Kelly and Tony Jones, maybe with Eddie McGuire and Karl Stefanovic for ceremonies and Todd Woodbridge too. As per Australian Opens and this Origin / Ashes.

    1. Not to mention that Nine also have the fina swimming champs in Fukuoka, Japan. The same time zone difference will be beneficial to Australian audiences. I saw this on Sports Sunday & noticed that the swimming champs will begin on 23 Jul on Nine/9Now.

  5. Have just finished watching Bump. Only started it a week or so ago. Loved it. I’m normally a fan of Aussie drama, and this one seemed to slip under the radar, hence why I was late to the party with this great show.
    Think it wrapped up nicely if there isn’t to be a fourth season.

    1. Yes it’s a good Aussie show. S1 and 3 were great… S2 was a mess imo. If you want to stick to that world though, you may want to check out Year Of (also on Stan)… it’s billed as a Bump spinoff but has little in common with its mother show, it’s certainly got a darker tone and heavier subject matter. The one link I’ve seen between the two shows so far is the addition of Bowie, in what appears to be a point in time post-Bump, as he’s far less aloof and more mature than he was in the original show.

      1. Loved his character. He very much gives me Ryan Corr vibes (big fan of him).
        Speaking off, also just watched In Limbo on ABC iview. Enjoyed that also. Good balance of funny and seriousness.

  6. Here’s some odd scheduling. 10 will begin replaying 2019 episodes of ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ on 10Peach, with double episodes airing Thursday-Monday at 3:30am. 10Peach starts with episode 8194 from October 2019. I’m not sure regular Bold fans will tune in given the irregular hour.

      1. Before the scurge that is home shopping took over, I remember in my teenage years watching shows like Cop Shop, Prisoner and The Sullivans (and others) at ungodly hours.

      1. I’ve checked through my EPG & noticed that there is a repeat of Travel Guides (Maurtitus) penciled in on 5 Jul. The following Wed, ORigin will take place on 12 Jul, though is a dead rubber game. I’d expect that new eps of Travel Guides to be rolled out on 19 and 26 Jul. After Travel Guides ends, I wonder if The Block will take its 7:30pm place?

        1. This is how nine killed ratings beast the mentalist back in the day – by throwing in random repeats when they had plenty of new episodes up their sleeves

          1. Yes, I recall that, but other networks did the same. I never watched NCIS, but think that suffered the same treatment! 94 do it now with all the life style shows, they show repeats and then quietly play new seasons with no advertising, and we’re expected to know that they will do this!?!

  7. Do 9 or 9Go! have any plans showing Young Sheldon’s 6th season? Why has 9 gone back to airing repeats of Pointless? David keep up the great work!

    1. Nine don’t seem in any hurry to show Young Sheldon S6, they weren’t quick to show S5 either. Maybe they hope someone will make an offer for it, maybe they want to air it later. Pointless S28 ran late due to the Queen’s death. S29 has had two production breaks in it, and hasn’t finished yet. It probably hasn’t been made available for international distribution yet. The BBC only make 110 episodes a year, so Nine have to show around 150 repeats.

  8. David, do any BET+ shows screen in Australia? I’m keen to watch their new show ‘Average Joe’ but I can’t find info on where it will land?

  9. The Sister Boniface Mystery has disappeared from. ABC Saturday yet they have only aired 6 of the 10 episodes of Season 1. What’s going on?
    Or is the internet wrong and there’s not 10 episodes a season?

  10. Did anyone else notice what a coincidence Seven re-running their old Disney staple “Air Force One” (which premiered after Sydney Olympics to over 2 million metro in the old ABNielsen!) last night, involving the plot of a captured Russian rogue general/dictator attempting to be freed by loyalist terrorists hijacking the aforementioned. On the same day big news was breaking from the Russia/Ukraine/Vladimir Putin crisis… Somewhat oops. Usually networks play it ultra safe and react to similarly themed shows/movies to news events and pull them (such as Mt Everest death lately).

      1. It’s a pretty common plotline for a lot of action/suspense movies and TV-see ‘Crimson Tide’, a film that the USN refused to provide any assistance in the making of due to some of the plot.

  11. Just wanted to acknowledge the passing earlier this week of Angela Thorne – best known as Marjory Frobisher from To The Manor Born, also mother of Rupert Penry-Jones. Discovered today she was even in an ep of The Good Life! (S04E03 “Our Speaker Today” – easy enough to find – just watched it)

  12. Why does Seven have to hold back new seasons of Family Guy and American Dad even though they have life-of-series first-run rights? They should move them to Disney+ and be done with them.

  13. David, I did not notice an obit tribute to Treat Williams on here. I just did a search. Highly unusual as you always have notices of even obscure celebrities. I go on here to confirm sometimes too. Does this mean Treat Williams did not die in a car crash in the last week?

  14. I watched Tiny Kitchen Cook Off on SBS Food today, the first time I’ve heard of/seen this series. Today it featured Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor (from Xena Warrior Princess). It was good fun with both actresses trying to cook with tiny kitchen implements. They were interviewed by podcaster Monica Padman – I’d never heard of her before and don’t listen to podcasts. Ill certainly watch another episode.

      1. It’s definitely not canned laughter… however as reported a few years ago, some of it may be forced because if you don’t appear like you are loving everything Wil Anderson is doing on set he will get snooty :p

  15. If I drive past pin oak court in my own car just past on the street that crosses it (weeden drive), how likely am I to see neighbours filming scenes on pin oak court? Do they film on the court location often? If I just drive past on weeden dr

    1. If you want to avoid filming, go on a weekend, you’ll be fine as they do not film in the street on weekends. You’ll likely be able to walk into the street, but a security guard will be there just to make sure you don’t do anything you shouldn’t. Weekday’s they generally film 1-2 days, but you cannot see much from Weeden Drive as trucks and security often restrict the view as well as access to the street. When I was there in 2013, they were filming a scene with Karl and Georgia in the Kennedy Driveway, and you could barely hear or see them.

  16. A little while ago someone wrote in asking if 1% Club series had finished. I looked it up and it is meant to have 8 episodes. According to 7 plus only 7 have been shown. So what has happened to the last episode. Or are they keeping it for later seeing the last episode screened had a very successful ending.

    1. Interesting, thanks. I’m also wondering what happened to it – is it some kind of special episode, or did it get bumped in favour of Million Dollar Island, or something like that? Strange.

  17. I’ve never seen or heard this before.. can someone explains this!?
    How does Channels 9Gem & 7Flix both have Law & Order/SVU on their Channels!??
    Since when can all different Networks, 7, 9 &10 all have the same TV Show Rights??

    Cheers thanks!

    1. And Universal on cable. Ten has first run rights for the current season and repeats to last season. For older episodes if someone has a distribution deal they are acting as an agent for Universal and obligated to sell them to who ever wants to buy them. If there is no distribution deal, which I think is the case then Universal which owns them, can sell rights to who ever wants them. There’s been 24 seasons, so plenty of eps available for different broadcasters to lease a season or a block of 100 syndicated eps.

  18. RMS Titanic-still busy taking lives after 111 years-no TV on the subject this week but it’s pretty constant on SBS and the other channels as docos or films.

  19. Depending on the bandwidth, there should be +1 channels for free-to-air TV. If not on digital terrestrial, then they could be added to the on-demand TV apps. It gives added options to gain viewers. Especially viewers that see the program title on-screen or are aware that there was a program an hour ago that the viewer is keen to watch. Or say a viewer likes the style of a particular channel, but wants a different show.

    Some viewers like myself, like the linear broadcasts because it’s already curated, instead of choosing the program on-demand

      1. +2 is quite innovative. It may not happen on terrestrial digital, though they could do it on the apps. A good way to push viewers onto the apps with all of the digital transition going on. I know ABC iView has the other timezone broadcasts, which is convenient as it was only available through satellite for many years, though if it’s across the board on all channels and networks, that’ll increase the viewership just based on choice and variety alone. If there’s a show listed to watch on time shift, that’ll prevent viewers switching over to another channel or app, and encourage viewers to stay with the channel or network.

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