
You voted Australia. But how?

So just who did vote for The Spearman Experiment? And when were we asked? Here's TEN's answer.

SpearmanYou voted Australia.

They kept telling us on the ads, and in the show, that we voted in the countdown of The Spearman Experiment.

But viewers are confused. In online forums, including on TEN’s own site, readers are all asking who voted, and when were we asked to vote for its top 15 list of Aussie Comedy Characters?

According to TEN’s website, “For the first time ever, Australia will countdown via online poll ranking the most celebrated top of mind moments in history.” First time ever? Big claim.

TV Tonight put the question to TEN.

A spokesperson said, “In April and May this year the producers (Southern Star Entertainment) commissioned independent TV audience research organisation Audience Development Australia (ADA) to conduct an online poll on our show-topics.

“Using a random sample, covering all metro markets and consisting of adults 16+, they asked that Australia rank 15 items for each show in the form of a series of lists, covering a variety of topics ranging from the sublime, Aussie Comedy Characters, to the ridiculous, Cashed Up Bogans.

“All polling had to be done in advance to allow time for clearance and compilation.”

TEN didn’t respond to a question about how many people participated in the polling.

Many readers have commented on the show’s glaring similarity to 20 to 1.

All eyes on how it performs next week now the curiosity factor is out of the way.

33 Responses

  1. I daresay this show is destined to fail – from the final 15 minutes I saw of it, it was a poor mans 20-1, which is a sad comparison to lose…

    Love ya Magda, but this show ain’t your fit. 😉

  2. “…rank 15 items…” The secret’s out. The online poll consisted of what you would do at the election polling booth. Put a number in each box from the available choices. No wonder there was so many Ten comedy characters in that list. Ronnie Johns’ Chopper and Australian Fast Bowler from Skithouse should have never been in that list. Watched it on Tuesday night, never watching it again. I think Magda needs to hassle Gina and Jane some more to get the next Kath & Kim series moving into production!

  3. The Spearman Experiment – Who is Spearman??
    Once I found out this was a clip show a couple of weeks back, I didnt bother watching. My IQ boxed helped out on Tuesday from 7pm to 8.38pm.
    I would expect the ratings to drop for this next week. I wonder what it got this week?

  4. TSE lacks one thing 20-to-1 has – Bert Newton. Unfortunately it has Magda instead, and that’s not much of an improvement unfortunately. Why anyone with two working neurons would waste their time watching either program is beyond me.

  5. i know magda lost a lot weight, well done to her, but does that give magda the right to promote, act, host, be on any crap show that comes along,does she not have a say on the lameness of the shows, did anybody watch the show before it went to air,surely if 500 people were rounded up and voiced there opinion about the show, maybe someone would have reliazed what a dud it is

  6. ADA have a good record running their Q scores system for networks. I think the issue is probably the constant “You Voted” line by TEN, rather than “According to our pollster.” And also whether the survey options were blank or the 15 were already on offer, merely to be rearranged by a poll.

    Either way it isn’t the polling that is the show’s biggest problem.

  7. reminds me of the survey that got worldwide attention and some newspapers printed results as gospel until someone asked question – how man people involved in survey.
    answer came back – one !
    who is Audience Development Australia ?
    did they just ask their mates or what ?
    BTW, spearman & 20-1 not watched here.

  8. they just put their own comedy acts and shows on the voting list. that’s the unfunny stainchie got on the list. how would he be in the top 1billion best comedy acts ever made in australia

  9. 20 to 1 drives me nuts and now it has a clone. I don’t care what D grade “celebrities” think. These shows are pathetic. Why Magda? You are better than this.

  10. I was hoping the show would have more of an interactive element – like they would say what the next week’s topic would be, then direct you to the site so you could vote. So to discover that it was all already done just confirmed it truly was the 20 to 1 clone so many were fearing it would be…

  11. so sounds like they gave them a pre-prepared list of 15 which they choose arbitrarily just like 20 to 1 and only had the public vote on which order they went in. doesn’t sound like any nominations were made by the public or that there were any choices presented that didn’t end up on the list, there weren’t 20 presented and 5 got cut off, it was just those 15 it seems.

  12. Seven was wise to delay RSPA Animal Rescue this week, and will definitely pick up a lot of Spearman’s audience next week. It is a complete rip of 20-to-1 (and I don’t watch that either). How the list was compiled really makes no difference (imo)

  13. Yes well picked up David, very strange the way the votes were tallied for sure. And why do these clip shows insist on having cringeworthy B and C grade celebrities telling us the “obvious” for each clip…..excruciating TV ! Just let the footage and voice over work standalone.

  14. The show was completely forgettable, so really, who cares how they did anything related to it? If there was *anything* at all on a Tuesday at half seven, one suspects it would be even more short lived than it undoubtedly will be.

    Me, I’ll be reading a book.

  15. “Who voted?” is a good question but I think a better question would be “Why did Ten make this show?”

    Or better yet: “Why air a 20 To 1 knock off in the exact same timeslot as 20 To 1?”

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