
Nine / Seven News: Queensland Floods

Updated: Nine & Seven remains with live flood coverage all day and Nine extends rolling evening coverage. Nine, Seven, TEN update evening schedules.

UPDATED: Nine has advised it will remain with flood coverage live across the day today.

Nine News will tonight air a special one hour bulletin at 7pm to cover the continuing crisis of the Queensland floods.

UIt follows Premier Bligh calling the latest events “our darkest hour” as 10 people die and more than 78 are missing.

A Current Affair will also broadcast live from the flood scene at 7pm. Updated: Another News bulletin will air at 9:30pm hosted by Leila McKinnon and Karl Stefanovic from Brisbane.

Today show hosts Cameron Williams and Georgie Gardner remained on air until 11am today continuing rolling coverage of the unfolding drama. It will recommence at 5am on Wednesday until 10am (9am Qld).

6pm Nine News
7pm ACA (not Qld)
7:30pm Nine News (normal programming now abandoned)
9:30pm Nine News

6pm Nine News
7pm joins rolling coverage. (No ACA)

UPDATED: Seven has also resumed rolling coverage across the day and moved its tennis coverage to 7TWO.

Seven News has announced its 4:30pm News will air for one hour. The 6pm bulletin will also extend to one hour edition with Today Tonight to air from 7pm. There will be another 30 minute bulletin at 9:30pm.

4:30pm Seven News
5:30pm Deal or No Deal
6pm Seven News
7pm Today Tonight
7:30pm Normal programming resumes
9:30pm Seven News

Sunrise remained on air until 10:30am, co-hosted from Brisbane.

5pm TEN News at Five
7pm The 7pm Project
07:30 pm Talkin’ ’bout Your Generation
08:30 pm NCIS: Los Angeles
09:30 pm Queensland Flood Crisis News Special (not Perth)

6:00 am TEN Early News – Special Extended Bulletin (5am Brisbane)

5.30pm WIN NEWS
6.00pm National News – 1hr
7.00pm WIN NEWS Flood Crisis Special
7.30pm ACA
8.00pm Top Gear
9.30pm Network News Flood Special

Meanwhile ABC News 24 was left with an awkward broadbank link of Premier Bligh’s 10:30am press conference, which was better delivered by Nine, Seven and SKY News.

Donations: www.qld.gov.au/floods
Hotline: 1300 993 191

100 Responses

  1. peter harvey on Naaan news has already started with the melancholy commentary….someone tap him to move on…Eddie Everywhere…where are you now ? oh thats right, Brisbane only has 1 AFL team…so. how about Not playing sound effects and news promos about ‘special editions’/ Leila McKinnon returns home extra special ACA edition/…blah blah blah….

    Now we see the bare bones of news production and how poorly done it becomes when more money is spent on make up and wardrobe than engineering equipment.

  2. ABC news 24 continues to cock up studio production, with late cues for vision, incorrect throws and intros, all no doubt due to the wonderful ‘ignote’ system they bought from some young pommy upstart with an agenda to sell equipment. I pity the poor director who singlehandedly has to switch, roll graphics, cue and play clips, communicate to remote sites, cue talent, adjust cameras….well done ABC 24..Not !
    And paleeze get some more vision instead of the Toowoomba car/boat race down the main street…they play it every 4 minutes again and again…

    over on Ch 9, the presenter is in front of a control room shot that seems to be inhabited by a bunch of Gen Y’s all looking at equipment, typing on keyboards, all very serious…

  3. Even tens news updates are repeated and hours outdated. A huge news story and it would seem there is no one in the office. Terrible for their reputation at one of their most important times ever.

  4. Instead of covering this disaster, Ten decided to air The Circle Summertime, Dr Phil and Oprah. What a disgusting effort by a network which is expanding into news, and want to be taken seriously.

  5. 7 will stay on air all afternoon to (Tennis has been moved to 7TWO), Guess i’ll be watching 7 cant stand 9 they think their top.

    ohh well thats why 7 is Australia’s #1 news!

  6. Nine – why can’t you be this good with news coverage all the time? Sensational work today, despite the odd typo.

    Karl and Garry Youngberry in QTQ newsroom doing rolling coverage hand-in-hand with Sydney – great work.

  7. if ten wants to be taken serisously with its new news bullitens then lift your bloody game ten and have continues coverage of the tragic event usually and yes nine dose have the best news when it comes to tragidies like this

  8. Seven Brisbane
    3:30pm – 4:30 pm News
    4:30pm – Home Improvement
    5:00pm – MASH
    5:30pm – Deal or No Deal
    5:30pm – Seven Local News (Regional 7QLD viewers)
    6:00pm – Seven News
    7:00pm – Today Tonight
    7:30pm-9:30pm – Normal
    9:30pm-10:00pm – Seven News Special

  9. It’s depressing television to watch but Channel Nine is doing a wonderful job getting the latest news out. I critise them for their treatment of ‘live’ sports and regular programming, but their coverage of this horrific disaster beats all other networks.

  10. i dont know about any of the other channels but channel 9’s coverage is fantastic. Good job Georgie, Cam, Wendy, Alison, Peter and Karl. Praying for the people in the devastated regions.

  11. I was watching the Morning Show and it looked like we were getting it live because it was half hr ahead saying 10.00 and during an interview it suddenly cut to a Sunrise news bulletin with Sarah Cumings which then cut to Beretta talking sport and the time changed to 9.30. Was kinda listening to that interview

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