
Nine / Seven News: Queensland Floods

Updated: Nine & Seven remains with live flood coverage all day and Nine extends rolling evening coverage. Nine, Seven, TEN update evening schedules.

UPDATED: Nine has advised it will remain with flood coverage live across the day today.

Nine News will tonight air a special one hour bulletin at 7pm to cover the continuing crisis of the Queensland floods.

UIt follows Premier Bligh calling the latest events “our darkest hour” as 10 people die and more than 78 are missing.

A Current Affair will also broadcast live from the flood scene at 7pm. Updated: Another News bulletin will air at 9:30pm hosted by Leila McKinnon and Karl Stefanovic from Brisbane.

Today show hosts Cameron Williams and Georgie Gardner remained on air until 11am today continuing rolling coverage of the unfolding drama. It will recommence at 5am on Wednesday until 10am (9am Qld).

6pm Nine News
7pm ACA (not Qld)
7:30pm Nine News (normal programming now abandoned)
9:30pm Nine News

6pm Nine News
7pm joins rolling coverage. (No ACA)

UPDATED: Seven has also resumed rolling coverage across the day and moved its tennis coverage to 7TWO.

Seven News has announced its 4:30pm News will air for one hour. The 6pm bulletin will also extend to one hour edition with Today Tonight to air from 7pm. There will be another 30 minute bulletin at 9:30pm.

4:30pm Seven News
5:30pm Deal or No Deal
6pm Seven News
7pm Today Tonight
7:30pm Normal programming resumes
9:30pm Seven News

Sunrise remained on air until 10:30am, co-hosted from Brisbane.

5pm TEN News at Five
7pm The 7pm Project
07:30 pm Talkin’ ’bout Your Generation
08:30 pm NCIS: Los Angeles
09:30 pm Queensland Flood Crisis News Special (not Perth)

6:00 am TEN Early News – Special Extended Bulletin (5am Brisbane)

5.30pm WIN NEWS
6.00pm National News – 1hr
7.00pm WIN NEWS Flood Crisis Special
7.30pm ACA
8.00pm Top Gear
9.30pm Network News Flood Special

Meanwhile ABC News 24 was left with an awkward broadbank link of Premier Bligh’s 10:30am press conference, which was better delivered by Nine, Seven and SKY News.

Donations: www.qld.gov.au/floods
Hotline: 1300 993 191

100 Responses

  1. looking at some facebook pics of my local floods, it is just astounding, lived here 25 years and it has never been this bad, my house is fine being on top of a hill but I’m not so sure about work, if it escaped it was damn close.

  2. Ten should be going wall-to-wall if they want to prove to Australia they are as serious about news as they want us to think. This is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) natural disasters in Australian history.

  3. Been switching between Tennis and Floods update all day long. Glad that Seven did the right thing which is to put tennis on 7-TWO and carry on with the news update which is essential at times like this.

  4. dumbest comment of the day (so far)…Ch Naan reporter, in front of a house about to go under, says and I quote :”if your looking to lease a house with water views then this is a good one…”..
    highly reprimandible and sackable…appalling.. and idiotic. She should give more thought to her story and language than her make up, which btw is considerate…

  5. Watching Sky – and they are really providing a great coverage But can someone teach Mr WIllisee how to pronounce the name of the Brisbane suburbs!?!?! Very embarrassing and annoying. I’m sure if it was in Melbourne or Sydney all the names be pronounced properly!!

  6. Kudos to Nine for rolling the flood coverage all day. My EPG is still saying normal programming will still be on tonight, is Nine really abandoning all of today’s programming? Glad that the tennis coverage has been moved to 7TWO, the anti-siphoning list came at a great time so they can bring flood updates on the main channel and tennis coverage on the digital channel!

  7. Seven are currently showing the earlier press conference from Anna Bligh telling us there are now nine deaths. They are showing it with the Live tag up in the corner. We all know it’s not live, Stupid Channel Seven.

  8. @ Jeremy. Ten should have most definitely had rolling coverage of this natural disaster, regardless of what the competition is doing. Their coverage, or lack there of, has done a huge deal of damage to their credibility. What better time is there for Ten to show their dedication to news than now? Instead they air Ready Steady Cook. Absolute disgrace.

  9. Ch TIN news, so stingy they can only show mobile phone video that people sent to them for free…they spent the camera dept budget on launching a new network for american cartoons…
    Epic Fail TIN.

  10. @TODD

    I wish commenters would leave their petty biases at the door…

    It adds nothing to the conversation, and clogs up the feed with drivel.

    Please, put it in a letter and send it to yourself.

  11. @ David Knox.. Im sorry but i hate 9 and now i know that i shouldn’t really be saying what ive been saying on here.

    Queenslanders you will get thru this – we are all with you at the sad time!

  12. Whatever your feelings are about various TV networks….
    Please people…put it in perspective….this is an awfull disaster!
    Nit picking seems somewhat petty at this time.

  13. So nothing from TEN?

    I agree the broadband link of that interview on ABC24 was amateur hour, why didn’t they have access to the satellite link? Also I’ve have the ABC channels all drop out at times over the last few days, leaving a black screen and ‘no signal’ on the digital channels.

    So now we have 3 networks/channels covering the floods, plus SkyNews which is still some of the best.

  14. Can I just say that Nine’s coverage of the flood crisis in Queensland has been absolutely sensational. No network even comes close to the standard of coverage that Nine has produced today. Almost 11 hours of continuous coverage and they are still putting out an extremely professional product. In fairness to Seven they did have Tennis commitments and to appropriately move the tennis to 7two, the network ought to be congratulated. However, the network was far too slow to get the ball rolling on their coverage. Information has been slow to come to hand via the network and is several minutes behind that of nine. The overall product has not been bad at all, however it has not been as good as Nine’s.

    Overall, being someone who one day hopes to work in the industry, and understands the significant amount of work that has to go into any live production, I cannot be more complimentary of Nine’s coverage. It has been extensive and unrivalled, especially in the early hours of the story commencing.

    Well done to all staff at Nine, and to all those effected, our thoughts are with you.

  15. well well well so 9 is at it again copying 7 with their 6pm news putting it to an hour and 9 has also copyed 7 now putting ACA at 7pm with Today Tonight!..

    If your keep on goin like this 9, you’ll keep on losing viewers like you’ve already have!..

    Thats why 7 is Australia’s #1 news =]… Keep it up 7 your doin a great job

    @ Paul.. it makes me laugh to everytime i see it “See it First on 9 News” what a joke no wonder why they lose every week in the news ratings!

  16. I’m here in BrisVegas not far from the river and I can’t begin to tell you what a relief it is to have had Karl Stefanovic, Steve Jacobs and a host of other unknown national nine network stars airdropped to us instead of food and fuel.
    Just excellent.
    Thanks a bunch.

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